Ye scurvy dog, pirates don't be taking the international date line into account when they be celebrating talk like a pirate day! If it be talk like a pirate day in one part of the world, then it be talk like a pirate day in every part of the world, now pass me the rum.
Yar HAR! It still be Talk Like a Pirate Day in me corner o' the world, and I be very happy about tha'! O' course, me pirate-speak be a little rusty, but I hope ye scurvy dogs be forgivin' of me speech. A merry merry TLAPD to ye! Ah crap, wrong one.
You decadent dogs! I shall see to it that you all hang. You have terrorised The Crown for the last time.
Now draw your swords and we shall fight. You and your kin shall all surely die by our hands and your bloodstained bodies shall rot in the sun.
Or else, surrender your captain, the cur, Magbeard, and we may see to it that you keep your wretched lives, pirate scum.
Lieutenant Commander Vesper of His Majesty's Royal Navy.
To put it simply: I am not much of a pirate enthusiast.
Be that so, ye scum suckin' son o' a biscuit eater?
Well, th' whole navy be not'in' but a floatin' barrel o' scurvy swaggarts, says I!
I be acceptin' this li'l challenge o' yers, an' I be waitin' fer ye o'er by th' port bay wi' me cutlass an' dagger, so as we can be settlin' this in a right gen'lemanly duel, man t' man.
Ye has four o' th' hour t' play yer hand.
- Cap'n Ultra Magbeard
An' another thing...
Originally posted by kelly
Talk like a Pirate Day is the 19th. It is now 10am on the 20th here.
Ye shoulda started b'fore th' sun went west.
Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.
Arr, me hearties. 'T 'as been a pleasure t' spend me Pirate Day wi' such a noble crew as ye be.
Well, I've put it off for as long as I could, but and as midnight draws in on the International Date Line another Pirate Day must sadly come to an end.
But we have shared in some jolly ripping larks, chaps.
What say we do it again next year?
In related news, last year I played a gig on Pirate Day, and sneakily consorted with the sound guy to play You Are a Pirate as the intro to my band's set.
(We were the headliners.)
Proof, if proof be need be, is available upon request.
Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.
In related news, last year I played a gig on Pirate Day, and sneakily consorted with the sound guy to play You Are a Pirate as the intro to my band's set.
(We were the headliners.)
Proof, if proof be need be, is available upon request.
*believes you and wants to hear anyways!*
Okay, apparently I was lying, as I can't find the CD anywhere.
So, you'll have to either trust me and let your imagination fill in the details, or wait until I can find the damn disc.
Or if I fail at that, wait until I can get a new copy off of one of the other guys from the band, but considering that I haven't spoken to any of them since the band split two months ago, this may well be a hell of a lot easier said than done.
That's gonna be such a ****ing chore, and I can just tell that that's what it's going to boil down to. :defeatist emoticon:
Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.