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New film: 'A Fix' (probable spoilers on page 5)

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  • Re: Info on "A Fix?"

    I saw the movie and thought it was good but too short. I think the story line could have been much better if it was longer.


    • Re: Info on "A Fix?"

      Just recived this:

      Originally posted by Amazon
      Hello from

      We're still trying to obtain the following item[s] you ordered on October 21 2008 16:18 PDT (Order# 555-5555555-5555555).

      Julianna Rose Mauriello and Skye McCole Bartusiak (Actor), et al
      ""a Fix""

      Still want it? We'll keep on trying. To keep your order for this item open, please click the link below. Otherwise, we'll cancel your order on December 21 2008, if we haven't located it by then.

      At the best this means those Runaway guys received so many orders that they just can't keep up burning DVDs*). That would be good - because then maybe they will earn enough money to... uhm, finish the film some day - before Julianna and the others turn old and gray. Yes, I don't think there was any bad acting on the part of Juli and the others, they just had nothing to act. I - SPOILERS AHEAD! - didn't yet figure out, why the boy was so scared of the stupid game, just to hang himself afterwards. The climax scene was awfully rushed (so-lemzel-is-dead-wait-a-second-i'll-just-get-my-gun-and-now-i-shoot-you-bitch-no-i-don't-byebye! Indeed.) I wonder what happened to the revolver too, the last thing we see of it ... err, hear of it is that nasty "clunk", when Pyper drops it. It just bugs me to see somebody abusing a decent piece of machinery. And what is the film's message all about? If you are bullied, don't shot the bully but run away from home instead to spend a life on the streets selling inept drawings of butterflies to passers-by? - END OF SPOILERS - Nothing fits. I think they didn't really want to make a short, they just ran out of money.

      So buying the DVD still is the right thing. I have the worst vision of lying on my death-bed one day - watching QVC - and someone is selling kitchen tools accompanied by an old woman dressed in pink: "Hello, it's Stephanie from LazyTown!" ...


      No, now that we have Magnus in a Jackie Chan movie, I demand Julianna to be the next Bond girl. They could bring in Kristjana Sæunn Ólafsdóttir as evil adversary in the tradition of May Day, Jaws and Oddjob just to settle the old score left over from Dancing Duel.

      Sigh, this won't happen, but it should, should it not?

      *) At worst they are stoned all day and dont't give a damn if some kraut gets to see their movie or not... Ach, well :(


      • A Fix ... id=3037869



        • Re: A Fix

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          • Re: A Fix

            THAT ASS HOLD!
            He stole my name!
            Lieutenant Obvious!
            Were as my YouTube name is CaptainObvious8!
            My name is better though

            Hmm, The person who wrote this is a freak.
            Its a movie...
            WHAT A DOOOOSH!


            • Re: A Fix

              Originally posted by Xizer
              As am i


              • A Fix "Behind the Scenes"


                Does this mean that they released it on DVD?


                • Re: A Fix "Behind the Scenes"

                  Don't you mean sense?


                  • Re: A Fix "Behind the Scenes"

                    Oh shucks, I'm sincerely sorry. Would you like for me to start another topic?


                    • Re: A Fix "Behind the Scenes"

                      Originally posted by boredjedi
                      Don't you mean sense?


                      Are you still going on about that.


                      • Re: A Fix "Behind the Scenes"

                        Originally posted by AsianStephanie
                        Originally posted by boredjedi
                        Don't you mean sense?


                        Are you still going on about that.
                        We never forgive.
                        By the way, I don't dare to watch it. Could someone tell me if this explains why it sucked so hard?


                        • a fix

                          Ok i'm just wondering, has anyone actually seen the movie, A Fix, yet? Starring you know who, and so on.
                          Look i know it's old news, but the fact is I gave up a while back even trying to find this movie on DvD, because it seem to get me nothing more than strange looks from caveman-esque video store clerks.
                          If you have seen it, please post what you thought of it, or if i should even bother finding it.
                          Just wanted some feedback from my fellow lazytowners.


                          • Re: a fix

                            Well to be perfectly honest, I have payed minimal attention to this because I just don't give a crap. It doesn't look like a very good short, and just because JRM is in it doesn't mean that I have a lick of interest in seeing it. However, because I love you, let me take a look around.

                   ... 401&sr=8-2

                            That's the only thing I could find.


                            • Re: a fix

                              Eh not really worth buying. IMO it was boring as heck.


                              • Re: a fix

                                I posted my comments last year with a DL link, you should check it yourself...

                                I don't think they sell it in the store, so you really need to buy online. Here are more links:

                                Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.

