Re: Jellyanna's gonna be a movie star! (New film: 'A Fix')
Originally posted by yhpets
Originally posted by Lazyscout2
eew that bit when they engraved DYKE on her back? THATS creepy! Does she die in the film?
If she is I'm not gonna watch it :,(
In order to answer this, and other questions once and for all, the following is a brief synopsis of the film taken from various sources.......
Pyper, Catie, and Lemzel are friends who have been shunned by other kids. Pyper, especially, has been constantly bullied by a girl called Natalie since they were all five years old.
It all started in Kindergarten when Pyper was coloring a picture of a barnyard. Prissy little Natalie Coleman walked up to her and broke every one of her crayons. Even at that age, Natalie was evil. She just randomly chose Pyper to bully.
In Junior High they were all invited to a party at Natalie’s house. Catie told Pyper they shouldn’t go, that it was a bad idea, but Pyper believed that Natalie and the "Superwitches" were trying to make amends. At the party, Pyper was forced into a game of Seven Minutes In Heaven. Pyper had never even kissed a boy before. Catie knew that the minute Pyper chose to walk into that dark closet with Kevin Patterson that it was going to spell disaster, but she just sat there and waited for seven long minutes until she came out. Kevin had abused her, and Natalie was right there to make it worse.
By high school, torturing Pyper had become a daily activity for Natalie and her cohorts. Catie pleaded with her to let her put an end to all of it. But, Pyper told her no – to stay out of it.
After years of watching this abuse, Catie and Lemzel finally decided that the continuous hazing had to stop.
Lemzel went to Natalie’s house and asked her and the "Superwitches" to stop bullying Pyper. To his surprise, she agreed to do so, but only if he played The American Dream with them. Lemzel was afraid, but he had to help Pyper, so he agreed to play the game and let Natalie and her scummy little friends put a noose around his neck and take him to the point of asphyxiation. They said "it’s the all time high" – but it wasn’t for Lemzel. They said they tried to revive him. But he was dead.
When Pyper found out she just snapped. She went into a blind rage. No-one had ever seen that before. She found Natalie, pulled out a gun and pointed it at her. Natalie had a look of utter horror on her face. The two of them just stood there, staring at each other. Later, Pyper told Catie....
"You want to know how I felt holding that gun up to her like that. Well, I’ll tell ya. I felt in control. I felt power. I felt…. So why didn’t I do it? Why didn’t I just blow her brains out? I ain’t got an answer for that. For ten years she had been teasing me, talking about me, putting me down and I tell ya, I wanted to hurt her. I wanted to hurt her bad. But I just couldn’t pull the trigger. I just stood there. I never took my eyes off of her and she never took her eyes off me. We’d been standing there for probably fifteen minutes when the policeman took the gun out of my hands. Even then…I just kept staring at her."
Pyper goes back to school and is never bothered again, but she runs away from home (I think).
Pyper does the Bing Bang dance. THE END, roll credits (strange, no mention of Magnus Scheving ANYWHERE)
Personally, I think she should have pulled the trigger.
(Most of the above is taken from the musical, Runaway Home, written by Darren J. Butler, which takes place about 6 months after the events in this film - see )