sub-zero did 9/11

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  • Sir Finkus
    Level 19 - Secret Friend
    • Apr 2007
    • 574


    sub-zero did 9/11 ... ed_911quot
    What Would Julianna Do (if she read your post)
  • boredjedi
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Jun 2007
    • 7306

    Re: sub-zero did 9/11

    Ugh, why don't these people just crawl back into their little hole.


    • Zafa
      Level 28 - Friend For Life
      • Apr 2007
      • 1659

      Re: sub-zero did 9/11

      featuring the facts that terrorists used flight simulators
      Uh... you know who else uses flight simulators?? Pilots

      Rockband is awesome!


      • moomoo
        Trixie's ToyBoy
        Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
        • Apr 2007
        • 1338

        Re: sub-zero did 9/11

        The link they make is valid though, because MS flight simulator is an extremely violent video game. Wait..


        • Stevilito
          Level 21 - Poster By The Book
          • Apr 2007
          • 665

          Re: sub-zero did 9/11

          it seems like just about everybody is trying to get video games banned for different reasons

          it isnt games that cause people to be violent, its people thats sick in the head, i play GTA, halo etc but because im not a nutcase i dont want to go out and kill someone like i did in the game

          ALSO parents are to blame, like buying an 18 rated game for a 10 year old, games are rated for a reason and if parents dont adhere to that then maybe the parents are to blame

          ALSO i think film and tv are more brutal then video games, like the halloween remake, where the kid tied his dad up whilst he was asleep in the chair and thne just sliced his throat and stood there and whatched the blood pour out

          yet nothing is happening to tv and films


          Gimmie My Paper Bitch


          • ForGreatJustin
            Former Moderator
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 28 - Friend For Life
            • Apr 2007
            • 1877

            Re: sub-zero did 9/11

            omg i played that racing game and now a speed ZOMGWTFBBQ!!!!??!??!

            they can shove that shit back up thar arses.


            • Mr_Gazpacho
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 24 - The Blue Elf
              • Jul 2007
              • 823

              Re: sub-zero did 9/11

              With some luck this'll make people see how incredibly stupid the whole campaign is. With some probability politicians aren't that much brighter and may actually believe what he's saying.

              Funny how the land of freedom turned out. :hitler:
              Lossless trance collection. (Work in progress)
              Originally posted by nindanjoe


              • ForGreatJustin
                Former Moderator
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 28 - Friend For Life
                • Apr 2007
                • 1877

                Re: sub-zero did 9/11

                Land of overwhelmingly over protective old ****ers looking for a scapegoat.

                God forbid people can't just be ****ed up, they have to blame it on something.


                • CmdrLuke
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
                  • May 2007
                  • 783

                  Re: sub-zero did 9/11

                  I thought we had already established who was behind WTC...
                  dont drink whats under the sink


                  • ooozmin
                    Former moderator
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 29 - Villain Number One
                    • May 2007
                    • 2445

                    Re: sub-zero did 9/11

                    Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!


                    • boredjedi
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                      • Jun 2007
                      • 7306

                      Re: sub-zero did 9/11

                      Originally posted by Mr_Gazpacho
                      With some luck this'll make people see how incredibly stupid the whole campaign is. With some probability politicians aren't that much brighter and may actually believe what he's saying.

                      Funny how the land of freedom turned out. :hitler:

                      Yeah go ahead and vote for Hilary. She's already sided with their side.


                      • boredjedi
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                        • Jun 2007
                        • 7306

                        Re: sub-zero did 9/11

                        Originally posted by CJVercetti

                        He can't vote, he's in Sweden lol.

                        The Clinton's know all sorts of tricks to game the system.


                        • DawnStar
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                          • Jul 2007
                          • 872

                          Re: sub-zero did 9/11

                          I'm going to play role of the bad guy now...

                          *clears throat*

                          Okay, sure... they made alot of lame points. Like, sure the terrorist used flight simulators to prepare to do 9/11. But, as Zafa pointed out, so do pilots. If I use a knife to cut some meat for dinner, does that mean I'm going to cut up some people using that experience? No. Tyler has tons of knives in his possession, but I somehow doubt he'll be using his skills to serve a cut up kid to his neighbors.

                          On the other hand, and I can agree with this trailer due to personal experience, and the fact that there are people who get WAY too into games. Schizophrenia is a mutha, and the symptoms seem to occur alot more nowadays than they did 20 years ago. If you're crazy enough, and a game takes up enough of your time, the line between reality and fantasy really does become blurred. It's a very scary thing too. I remember I stopped playing video games so much because when I was 17, I woke up one morning trying to remember where I put my AK-47 because I knew I was supposed to something with it later.

                          Yeah, yeah... complain because I played devil's advocate. Still, there's always two sides to the story and it's best to understand both sides before making a decision.


                          • boredjedi
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                            • Jun 2007
                            • 7306

                            Re: sub-zero did 9/11

                            Dawn, no one would argue that there are nutters out there. There have been and always will be. We've become a society of blame everyone and everything else for our misdeeds. Time to put the responsibility back where it belongs: with the individual.

                            We're treading a slippery slope here. Everyday we keep giving the government and other agencies more and more power to control our daily habits. It's not a one big clump where you can notice it but it's quiet and gradual and most people don't see it because of that. Our founding fathers are probably turning over in their grave by now as to what's becoming of this "free" nation.

                            I for one am sick of having my freedoms trampled on because of a few. It's like the routine with Mcdonald's and the super sized fries. I always got them when I would go there from time to time. But now because of that ruckus about "overweight" people going in there and "gorging" themselves on them, so the experts said, they did away with them under pressure by the nannies in our society. Now what are those over eaters going to do? Buy another large instead of just one super sized. Idiots.


                            • Vespasian
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 1242

                              Re: sub-zero did 9/11

                              Originally posted by DawnStar
                              On the other hand, and I can agree with this trailer due to personal experience, and the fact that there are people who get WAY too into games. Schizophrenia is a mutha, and the symptoms seem to occur alot more nowadays than they did 20 years ago. If you're crazy enough, and a game takes up enough of your time, the line between reality and fantasy really does become blurred. It's a very scary thing too. I remember I stopped playing video games so much because when I was 17, I woke up one morning trying to remember where I put my AK-47 because I knew I was supposed to something with it later.
                              Anyone mad enough to kill because of a video game would be mad enough to kill from reading a novel or watching a movie. I don't think you're argument is quite valid, except under rare circumstances. Video games would never turn people who were mentally sound into insane killers, the people were already 'messed up' to begin with. You can just solve a problem by blaming an insignificant factor.

