Conan mentioned Ka-Zaam! again. I never cease to tire of that for some odd reason. Of course I was pissed in December when Jingle All the Way was re-released on DVD. It would've been...uh...I forgot what year it came out in...'97 all over again? You know, when they'd rip on Jingle.
btw, Conan zinged me when I was watching his monologue. He said something about if you're watching on Valentine's Day, then the day must have gone bad, or something like that.
I was like Apu from the Simpsons when Moe punned his name, "I have been zinged and I loved it!"
Haha, some martial arts guy was being a dick on the show and he couldn't break a stack of concrete and he made a scene because he couldn't redo it. "**** this show!" and he stormed off.
Must've been under the influence of something 'cause he was being a dick to Will Ferrell, and was always questioning which camera he should talk into. It was funny.
I've met a lot of martial arts instructors who think and act like that guy. As soon as I heard that someone like that was gonna be on the show I knew it was going to be trouble.
Ohhh, okay. I bet they have this invigorating sense of jackassery since they know martial arts so they can bully people. So he wasn't drunk or high or whatever.
Anyway, the martial arts guy looked like the dude who plays Ricky from a popular Canadian TV show called Trailer Park Boys:
Well my uncle is the founder of the United Taekwondo alliance and he has done more impressive things than that guy attempted to do and he isn't AS big of a jackass.