Lazy Town online episodes?

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  • Mike_Oxsmall
    Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
    • Mar 2008
    • 26


    Lazy Town online episodes?

    I've been streaming both seasons 1 and 2. Problem is the 1st season was missing about 3 episodes. And the 2nd season was missing one third of the episodes. After a long hard search on limewire and googling today I found this little tidbit: ... 029AAfq326

    This was only 30 minutes after when I found (looked over a couple forums, not bad). And here ends my life story. So, can someone help a Lazyphile out to view Lazy Town episodes online? I don’t want to download any, just something that has been uploaded online.

    "Who wants a badge for ignoring the girl with the pink hair and the bad attitude?"
  • Victoria
    Owner of GetLazy
    Level 28 - Friend For Life
    • Apr 2007
    • 1922

    Re: Lazy Town online episodes?

    Just how small is it?


    • Mike_Oxsmall
      Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
      • Mar 2008
      • 26

      Re: Lazy Town online episodes?

      Just discovered the forum concerning LT episodes. Apparently you have to download them in something called .rar. This doesn’t help me since I neither want to download them and I’m unable to watch .rar files.

      And uh please direct all your penis inquiries to my PM box. Or start a thread, what ever floats your boat.

      "Who wants a badge for ignoring the girl with the pink hair and the bad attitude?"


      • DawnStar
        Level 24 - The Blue Elf
        • Jul 2007
        • 872

        Re: Lazy Town online episodes?



        • Mike_Oxsmall
          Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
          • Mar 2008
          • 26

          Re: Lazy Town online episodes?

          I think someone missed their nappy time... that or penis envy. Yeah, gotta be the penis envy.

          Anyway, online LT episodes. I can make a list if that makes it easier. Eight episodes at most. You guys are swell - you really know how to represent

          "Who wants a badge for ignoring the girl with the pink hair and the bad attitude?"


          • DawnStar
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 24 - The Blue Elf
            • Jul 2007
            • 872

            Re: Lazy Town online episodes?



            • DawnStar
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 24 - The Blue Elf
              • Jul 2007
              • 872

              Re: Lazy Town online episodes?

              No, dude... seriously, if you want to watch a RAR file you have to reconfigure Windows a bit so it'll let you open the file. You have to go to your system32 folder (typically C:\WINDOWS\system32) and delete it. It contains antipiracy software and prevents you from watching the RAR files (cause Lazytown episodes are copyrighted of course ). It'll give a warning that it'll mess you up, but just ignore it. Windows is working with the RIAA to prevent piracy, so they'll gonna try to scare you. After you delete the system32 folder, just go to the RAR file, and double click it. It'll prolly open up in Windows Media player. Then enjoy your Lazytown ep! I've done it a thousand times, and it works like a charm.

              IM me and I'll walk you through it if you need me too ;)


              • Victoria
                Owner of GetLazy
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 28 - Friend For Life
                • Apr 2007
                • 1922

                Re: Lazy Town online episodes?

                [quote=Joseph Stalin][quote="Mike_Oxsmall":16d54]Just discovered the forum concerning LT episodes. Apparently you have to download them in something called .rar. This doesn’t help me since I neither want to download them and I’m unable to watch .rar files.

                And uh please direct all your penis inquiries to my PM box. Or start a thread, what ever floats your boat.[/quote]
                What the shit is with these newfags who don't know what the **** a rar file is?

                Also, what the **** do you want? You want episodes that have been uploaded but you don't want to download them? I have lots of episodes online that you can't download, so does that help you? No, you can't have links, cause clicking on them would download them and violate your goal. So you found what you were looking for, episodes online that you don't get to download. So, now that you achieved your goal, GTFO.

                And just because I don't think I've been condescending enough yet, streaming an episode, as you lovers of shitty ass flash video/youtube fags so love to do involves downloading the file (to your Temporary Internet Files, cause I bet you're an IE user too); how else would it get on your computer to watch?



                Congratulations, you've managed to goad a mean post out of the Mr. Nice Guy of the admins. WTG.

                I almost forgot:

                [size=1]MURK LOAR[/size][/quote:16d54]

                The Soviet dictator is the nice admin? Since when?

                [quote=Mike_Oxsmall]I think someone missed their nappy time... that or penis envy. Yeah, gotta be the penis envy.

                Anyway, online LT episodes. I can make a list if that makes it easier. Eight episodes at most. You guys are swell - you really know how to represent[/quote]

                Yeah so anyways

                This is the only "streaming" site I know of

                If that doesn't work for you you'll have to settle for actually downloading the episode and *GASP* viewing it in higher quality!


                • Mike_Oxsmall
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 26

                  Re: Lazy Town online episodes?

                  Alright, thanks for your help Xizer, much appreciated.

                  Sorry if I missed anyone else. I just scrolled through between my last post and Xizers. A lot of typing by users who could pretty much send the same message by typing “F*** you newfag, bwahah!”. I mean seriously, count to ten before you type anything or take a nap. The worlds full enough of anger kids as it is.

                  And if it’s just the penis envy talking, they got pumps for that.

                  "Who wants a badge for ignoring the girl with the pink hair and the bad attitude?"


                  • DawnStar
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                    • Jul 2007
                    • 872

                    Re: Lazy Town online episodes?

                    Originally posted by Mike_Oxsmall
                    Alright, thanks for your help Xizer, much appreciated.

                    Sorry if I missed anyone else. I just scrolled through between my last post and Xizers. A lot of typing by users who could pretty much send the same message by typing “F*** you newfag, bwahah!”. I mean seriously, count to ten before you type anything or take a nap. The worlds full enough of anger kids as it is.

                    And if it’s just the penis envy talking, they got pumps for that.
                    Ey! I was trying to help you

                    Now I'm kinda crushed...


                    • moomoo
                      Trixie's ToyBoy
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 1338

                      Re: Lazy Town online episodes?

                      What the **** guys, be nice.


                      • nindanjoe
                        Former Moderator
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 1497

                        Re: Lazy Town online episodes?

                        Mike_Oxsmall, this is actually a first, so apologies for that. It's been an interesting few months, there was drama, then there were download links disappearing probably because people were reporting them, and there was also a constant barrage of people not knowing what to do with a lot of stuff, file types included. It's sort of like this, let's say you're pretty good at something, you took the time and dedication to learn all there is to something, let's say ice sculpting. And you learned it all from a great book called, "Ice Sculpting for Dummies (and Advanced Users)." You've been doing it for years and you have a nice little business going until one day, some new young kid comes into your company and wants to learn how to ice sculpt. You point him towards the book and he says that he can't read. Let's assume this kid has no reading disorder for the sake of this example. He is told to search for someone to teach him to read first, but he doesn't care and comes back everyday bothering you. It eventually gets on your nerves.

                        That's sort of what happened with Comrade Stalin. He knows his stuff, and he knows how easy it is to search for stuff on the Internet. I think he has an ok tolerance for it, Xizer would usually mock the person just a bit. However, in this case, you pushed him over the edge with the not wanting to download. Mainly because a few folks, including him, took their time to convert (sometimes capture), encode, archive, and upload these episodes for everybody in the best quality available. By not wanting to download them and requesting for an alternative, you essentially said all that work was crap.

                        Now, from the other perspective, I understand the laziness of people, I'm a bit lazy to research things every now and again so I ask people for information which usually pushes me in the right direction. There's also the "I refuse to change" stance some people have with varying degrees. I have that as well because it takes work to change a mindset or change what you usually do. I applaud you for searching out and eventually finding this forum, it was an interesting effort.

                        There's also the video quality argument, but that's ok because you might be on Dial-up. Oh, and there's the greedy argument too. However, I think this post is long enough. :)

                        If Comrade Stalin really was angry at you, then he would have banned you by now. :) Welcome to LazyTown, you will definately be remembered, Mike. I hope you enjoy your stay in some way, shape, or form. :)

                        EDIT: Fixed Max to Mike! And fixed remember to remembered and other stuff. How did I mix up Mike and Max?
                        *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


                        • Mr_Gazpacho
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                          • Jul 2007
                          • 823

                          Re: Lazy Town online episodes?

                          Originally posted by nindanjoe
                          Mike_Oxsmall, this is actually a first, so apologies for that. It's been an interesting few months, there was drama, then there were download links disappearing probably because people were reporting them, and there was also a constant barrage of people not knowing what to with a lot of stuff, file types included. It's sort of like this, let's say you're pretty good at something, you took the time and dedication to learn all there is to something, let's say ice sculpting. And you learned it all from a great book called, "Ice Sculpting for Dummies (and Advanced Users)." You've been doing it for years and you have a nice little business going until one day, some new young kid comes into your company and wants to learn how to ice sculpt. You point him towards the book and he says that he can't read. Let's assume this kid has no reading disorder for the sake of this example. He is told to search for someone to teach him to read first, but he doesn't care and comes back everyday bothering you. It eventually gets on your nerves.

                          That's sort of what happened with Comrade Stalin. He knows his stuff, and he knows how easy it is to search for stuff on the Internet. I think he has an ok tolerance for it, Xizer would usually mock the person just a bit. However, in this case, you pushed him over the edge with the not wanting to download. Mainly because a few folks, including him, took their time to convert (sometimes capture), encode, archive, and upload these episodes for everybody in the best quality available. By not wanting to download them and requesting for an alternative, you essentially said all that work was crap.

                          Now, from the other perspective, I understand the laziness of people, I'm a bit lazy to research things every now and again so I ask people for information which usually pushes me in the right direction. There's also the "I refuse to change" stance some people have with varying degrees. I have that as well because it takes work to change a mindset or change what you usually do. I applaud you for searching out and eventually finding this forum, it was an interesting effort.

                          There's also the video quality argument, but that's ok because you might be on Dial-up. Oh, and there's the greedy argument too. However, I think this post is long enough. :)

                          If Comrade Stalin really was angry at you, then he would have banned you by now. :) Welcome to LazyTown, you will definately be remember, Max. I hope you enjoy your stay in some way, shape, or form. :)
                          Lossless trance collection. (Work in progress)
                          Originally posted by nindanjoe


                          • Racoon
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 14 - Sportscandy
                            • Jun 2007
                            • 314

                            Re: Lazy Town online episodes?

                            oh, god.

                            umm, here's a link with a few episodes, uploaded by GinnyN i think.


                            • Mike_Oxsmall
                              GETLAZY MEMBER
                              Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 26

                              Re: Lazy Town online episodes?


                              The incessant replies about how I should download over streaming and the endless PMs concerning penises (you know who you are, you Georgian born scallywag you) have resulted in me downloading RarZilla and a FLV Player. Used some links by simbiani82 on live journal to test things out. Results? Ace.

                              Thanks to those that linked to the LTstreaming site. Great resource, been linked to already, but you’re trying - and I like that.

                              And thanks for the warm… and loud… greetings from getlazy.

                              And if you ever want, you know, to hug it out, I’m here for ComradeStalin. :fap:

                              "Who wants a badge for ignoring the girl with the pink hair and the bad attitude?"

