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  • nindanjoe
    Former Moderator
    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
    • Apr 2007
    • 1497
    • United States [US]

    Re: Hi

    Silvess, at least you explained your perspective on why people can like the show. Of course, you failed to explain what the age problem is or the problem with liking the show. What about all these other fansites? It really depends on a lot of factors. You talk as if you know everything, well, where's the evidence? Show us the sites, show us the legal documents, show us the evidence.

    It seems you would allow people to step all over you because you "respect her as a human being". How far would that go? Would you allow people to violate your rights because you respect them? What about their respect for you?

    It also appears you're missing quite the important facts and no one has mentioned them other than one poster. There was no response to that poster's message from either JuliManda or Silvess. Interesting. Not to mention you being vague about WOJ despite what that forum did for your "friend".

    To put things in perspective, I'm married to Mr. T and we both share an account here known as nindanjoe. I'm here to support Mr. T and if you don't believe he's actually here, I can't do anything about it! We won't take any pictures because we don't like that even though we sometimes make appearances on TV. I'm usually in the background supporting my husband. When Mr. T wants a site to shut down, all he has to do is wave his gold chains and POOF!, it's gone. No lawyers needed.
    *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


    • Lazycus
      Master of Shoops
      Level 24 - The Blue Elf
      • Nov 2007
      • 828

      Re: Hi

      Woah, can you get me George Peppard's autograph?
      Ceterum censeo puellam roseam fraudulentam esse exstirpandam


      • Silvess
        Level 4 - Poster On The Move
        • Mar 2008
        • 17

        Re: Hi

        No more said then after this. Count me as just another fan on this board. ;)
        Sure I can talk about what I have seen or who I am friends with, but words are not enough. IF I was Julianna, I WOULD do that proof pic whether or not I liked it, and just end it, AND IT WOULD END THIS!! The bad thing is that I am NOT Julianna, and can not convince her to do a photo like so. Something tell's me that she never will do a getlazy photo, and I will not tell her that she is wrong for not doing one. AS FOR WOJ! They did treat me with respect...
        I was against some people on that forum ((Which I will not name)) but I did like some of them. The truth! Some of the info on that site should NOT have been posted up. Her mothers work place!?!? I mean COME ON! What does that have to do with Julianna's roles in movies or Lazy Town!? That should not have been posted unless Mark himself allowed it or Julianna said it was ok! I am sorry to some of the members there for what happened, but some of the members in there were creeps HIDING behind other names. ALOT of DLT's posters were on that site just acting like they never said a damn bad thing about Julianna, but they were sick, and they knew it!! YES! I know exactly who all of you were, and I have no power over that WHAT SO EVER! I am not a bad guy, and I really can't stand this type of thing, but I am there for Julianna 100%! Whatever she want's, I will help her get! Even if I don't feel it is completely right, I am not in Lazy Town, and I have never been in these positions so I don't know what it's like to have the world talk about me so much at such a young age.


        • ForGreatJustin
          Former Moderator
          Level 28 - Friend For Life
          • Apr 2007
          • 1877

          Re: Hi

          I still wanna know why one of your IP addresses matches another members ip address.


          • Silvess
            GETLAZY MEMBER
            Level 4 - Poster On The Move
            • Mar 2008
            • 17

            Re: Hi

            Originally posted by ForGreatJustin
            I still wanna know why one of your IP addresses matches another members ip address.
            I- I don't know...
            That's why I don't trust this proxy crap on here.


            • ForGreatJustin
              Former Moderator
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 28 - Friend For Life
              • Apr 2007
              • 1877

              Re: Hi

              Originally posted by Silvess
              Originally posted by ForGreatJustin
              I still wanna know why one of your IP addresses matches another members ip address.
              I- I don't know...
              That's why I don't trust this proxy crap on here.
              Its not a proxy that was used.


              • proksy

                Re: Hi

                Originally posted by ForGreatJustin
                Originally posted by Silvess
                Originally posted by ForGreatJustin
                I still wanna know why one of your IP addresses matches another members ip address.
                I- I don't know...
                That's why I don't trust this proxy crap on here.
                Its not a proxy that was used.
                What about this?


                • Ultra Magnus
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 29 - Villain Number One
                  • May 2007
                  • 2039

                  Re: Hi

                  Originally posted by Silvess
                  Some of the info on that site should NOT have been posted up. Her mothers work place!?!? I mean COME ON!
                  Okay, it might've been nice to know a little earlier that this kind of stuff was happening.
                  Before now, going on about "permission" and whatnot, you were making it sound like WOJ was just deleted purely on a whim.
                  Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
                  GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.


                  • Cap'n Pogostick
                    GETLAZY MEMBER
                    Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 53

                    Re: Hi

                    Never saw this website, but yeah... it sounds like it was getting into stalker territory there.
                    "There's always a way"


                    • ooozmin
                      Former moderator
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 29 - Villain Number One
                      • May 2007
                      • 2445
                      • Canada [CA]

                      Re: Hi

                      Damn this shit still rollin' I'm even over it...
                      Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!


                      • RTGuardian
                        GETLAZY MEMBER
                        Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
                        • May 2007
                        • 51
                        • United States [US]

                        Re: Hi

                        Originally posted by Silvess
                        Some of the info on that site should NOT have been posted up. Her mothers work place!?!? I mean COME ON! What does that have to do with Julianna's roles in movies or Lazy Town!? That should not have been posted unless Mark himself allowed it or Julianna said it was ok!
                        No it shouldn't have been put out there, but she hadn't worked there in a long time. Also that info's been on the site for 3 years, why now after the info is inaccurate and way out of date?? Yeah, I do know where she works now, found by accident helping out one of my cousins in NY. All that someone in Julianna's camp (agent, Father) had to do was tell Sara. She would have taken it down.

                        I hadn't been at WoJ in a while but Sara kept the place clean. Not only that, Julianna new about it WoJ. Sara sent her picture books for her birthday and Christmas with the site's address and Julianna wrote back to Sara, she posted one for the letter's she got back from Julianna. Of all the sites to go after it... WoJ, what the hell about DLT where they actually posted her and her sister's phone number more than once, where they've posted pix that would be, let's say could cause a security problem. And I know about security problems. I've been stalked several times, the recent ones because I won Julianna's doodle she did for charity on eBay. Most of them are just other fans being what fans can be sometimes, annoying. One of them though, about six months ago, I think was the POS avid Stodghill: or working for him. Had a whole convoluted story very similar to Stodgy's MO.

                        There's something really suspicious going on about this. I remember another invisionfree site (non-LT related) going down because of ToS and it was labeled court action. The other site Sara had about Julianna at Tripod is labeled ToS violation. I'm beginning to think that's it the POS again screwing around like he did before. Anyone can file a ToS violation at free hosting site. The real test is if someone tries it here. A ToS won't work here. This site's not in violation of the host agreement. They only way to shut it down would be with an C & D from Lazytown Ent. or legal reps for Julianna. Even then it's not entirely enough, Xizer has the right to respond, so he'd know who's causing all of this crap.


                        • nindanjoe
                          Former Moderator
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 1497
                          • United States [US]

                          Re: Hi

                          Unfortunate about posting Julianna's mother's workplace, but thanks to RTGuardian, we found out it's old news. Most likely not the cause of the forum's disappearance. As for the specific event of that, it is suspicious. Thanks for all the information, RTGuardian. It definately helps in understanding all this. Sorry to hear that you have stalkers, RTGuardian.
                          *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


                          • RTGuardian
                            GETLAZY MEMBER
                            Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
                            • May 2007
                            • 51
                            • United States [US]

                            Re: Hi

                            Originally posted by nindanjoe
                            Unfortunate about posting Julianna's mother's workplace, but thanks to RTGuardian, we found out it's old news. Most likely not the cause of the forum's disappearance. As for the specific event of that, it is suspicious. Thanks for all the information, RTGuardian. It definately helps in understanding all this. Sorry to hear that you have stalkers, RTGuardian.
                            Glad I could help. Really upset about this. Looks like this Hoopdy at imdb is the one causing this. Most likely the same person behind the fake JRM MySpace page as well. She really needs to set up an official site like Emma Watson and Miley Cyrus did to stop their MySpace poser problems. She doesn't need to set up a forum, just a general info site and something that says don't believe anything unless it's from 'here'. She'd probably have to do a short vid saying "Hi welcome to my site ...com" to prove it was her, and that would instantly kill all of these problems.

                            Thanks about the stalkers. I got nothing compared to Julianna. Most of them were just fans or parents of fans (lots of UK ones) trying to get something unique for their kid. Was weird finding out there were a couple of UK web sites were passing around my eBay info. Most of them backed off once I told them it wasn't for sale. It was just that one I had to threaten with legal action who just wouldn't give up. Acted very much like you know who.

                            Hey JuliManda, I know your still reading this (saw you a few hours ago), why don't you jump into the conversation. The google cache of your MySpace page was interesting. Why didn't you thank your other sister?? Is it because you don't know her name perhaps?? Got a screengrab of it in case google changes the last access time.


                            • JuliManda
                              GETLAZY MEMBER
                              Level 3 - Sportafake
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 12
                              • United States [US]

                              Re: Hi

                              Her name is N***** (EDITED FOR PRIVACY)
                              We were just trying to give her some peace since no one knew her name.

                              Your a real asshole.

                              I'm over at my friends house.
                              She's on one life to live.
                              She said you can stalk her if you want.



                              • Lazycus
                                Master of Shoops
                                SPECIAL MEMBER
                                Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 828

                                Re: Hi

                                Originally posted by JuliManda
                                Her name is N...
                                We were just trying to give her some peace since no one knew her name.
                                I still think this thread is about nonsensical statements. And we might have a winner.

                                Shouldn't LazyTown fandom be about adoring the pink girl, the blue elf or maybe the purple grinch? About going: "Bing bang, Sportafink will leave town forever," or something like that?

                                April Fools' joke or not. This discussion is weird, not to say scary.
                                Ceterum censeo puellam roseam fraudulentam esse exstirpandam

