I see the only relevant thread to this is locked, so I might as well post this here. I apologize in advance if this sounds more bitchy than it's intended to..
I'm a member of WOJ and while I unfortunately didn't get here soon enough to try to talk some sense into the thread, by the looks of things that wouldn't have done any good anyway. After all, Julianna herself was right in front of everyone and she was argued with until she was inevitably pissed off. Yes, I doubted it at first too. In fact I made that fairly clear in WOJ. But at least I left room for the possibility.
More importantly, however, she's not going to post a damn picture of herself holding some sign. She really shouldn't have to jump through a bunch of hoops for every website involving her.
She doesn't want fame. She just likes to act, dance, sing, and such. I suppose you could consider her the Cobain of acting.. just without the whole drugs and suicide thing.
I don't blame you for liking LazyTown, and I especially don't blame you for being a fan of Julianna. I may not make animated GIFs of what looks like Stephanie having orgasms, but I still live my friggin life by "There's Always A Way", listen to Mani's songs more than any other albums I own, and call apples "sports candy". All I'm saying is respect her a little more, and leave her alone once and a while. And is it too much to ask to cut down on the whole sex thing? Don't get me wrong, I find a good Pedobear image as hilarious as the next guy but christ.
I notice folks have a habit of banning around here, and I wouldn't be surprised if this thread was deleted within a few hours. But I don't give half a shit about either. I gave it a shot. I tried to improve things. No matter how epic-ly I may have failed just now.
I'm a member of WOJ and while I unfortunately didn't get here soon enough to try to talk some sense into the thread, by the looks of things that wouldn't have done any good anyway. After all, Julianna herself was right in front of everyone and she was argued with until she was inevitably pissed off. Yes, I doubted it at first too. In fact I made that fairly clear in WOJ. But at least I left room for the possibility.
More importantly, however, she's not going to post a damn picture of herself holding some sign. She really shouldn't have to jump through a bunch of hoops for every website involving her.
She doesn't want fame. She just likes to act, dance, sing, and such. I suppose you could consider her the Cobain of acting.. just without the whole drugs and suicide thing.
I don't blame you for liking LazyTown, and I especially don't blame you for being a fan of Julianna. I may not make animated GIFs of what looks like Stephanie having orgasms, but I still live my friggin life by "There's Always A Way", listen to Mani's songs more than any other albums I own, and call apples "sports candy". All I'm saying is respect her a little more, and leave her alone once and a while. And is it too much to ask to cut down on the whole sex thing? Don't get me wrong, I find a good Pedobear image as hilarious as the next guy but christ.
I notice folks have a habit of banning around here, and I wouldn't be surprised if this thread was deleted within a few hours. But I don't give half a shit about either. I gave it a shot. I tried to improve things. No matter how epic-ly I may have failed just now.