Lord British in space

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  • boredjedi
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Jun 2007
    • 7306


    Lord British in space

    Lord BritishAKA Richard Allen Garriott

    Born: 4-Jul-1961
    Birthplace: Cambridge, England [1]

    Gender: Male
    Race or Ethnicity: White
    Occupation: Computer Programmer, Business
    Party Affiliation: Democratic

    Nationality: United States
    Executive summary: Ultima series creator

    One of the world's greatest computer game designers, Richard Garrott wrote his first in 1979. He wrote the RPG computer game Akalabeth in BASIC on the Apple //, and followed that up the next year with Ultima. That game spawned a sequel which grew into a series, and eventually became a 20-year franchise that made Garriott a multimillionaire.

    Practices "ethical hedonism".

    [1] Grew up in Houston, TX.

    Father: Owen K. Garriott (Skylab 3, Shuttle STS-9 astronaut)
    Mother: Helen Mary Walker (master's degree in art)
    Brother: Randall O. Garriott (medical doctor, b. 29-Mar-1955)
    Brother: Robert K. Garriott (two masters degrees, b. 7-Dec-1956)
    Sister: Linda S. Garriott (masters degree, b. 7-Sep-1966)

    High School: Clear Creek High School, League City, TX
    University: University of Texas at Austin (dropped out)

    Origin Systems Founder
    Electronic Arts
    Sierra Entertainment
    Society for Creative Anachronism
    X-Prize Foundation Board of Trustees

    http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/space/10/1 ... index.html

    A Soyuz spacecraft with two Americans and a Russian on board lifted off from Kazakhstan on Sunday for the international space station.
    The Soyuz TMA-13 blasts off atop a Russian rocket in Kazakhstan.

    The Soyuz TMA-13 capsule carrying American computer game millionaire Richard Garriott soared into a clear sky atop a Russian rocket as the latest paying space traveler's family watched from a viewing platform. Also aboard were U.S. astronaut Michael Fincke and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Lonchakov.

    The rocket lifted off on schedule at 1:01 p.m. (3:01 a.m. EDT), sending an orange flare behind it as it streaked upward. The craft entered orbit about 10 minutes later.

    "I'm elated, elated," said Richard Garriott's father, Owen, a former U.S. astronaut who is the first American to see his child follow in his footsteps and reach space. "They're in orbit, that's good."

    Garriott's mother Eve and his girlfriend, Kelly Miller, shed tears of joy and relief at the successful launch.
  • CmdrLuke
    Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
    • May 2007
    • 783

    Re: Lord British in space

    That's interesting, havn't heard much about him recently.
    dont drink whats under the sink

