like title says it happened on wednesday and just want to say i wont be doing much for a week or how ever long it takes for my body to heal, as im typing my arms are in so much pain, think my right arm is bruised but not broken
****ing pissed off about it all, thinking back theres probably so many things that could have prevented me being in that place at that time lol
poilice are looking into it but not expecting much to come of it though
hope to be posting within the week again guys, so until then its goodbye for now, ill still be on looking but dont fancy posting because it hurts, this has taken 10 minutes now lol
****ing pissed off about it all, thinking back theres probably so many things that could have prevented me being in that place at that time lol
poilice are looking into it but not expecting much to come of it though
hope to be posting within the week again guys, so until then its goodbye for now, ill still be on looking but dont fancy posting because it hurts, this has taken 10 minutes now lol