Manny girls can be Stephanie - but I know I would dislike german accent
seems some accents sounds quite terrible in english and german was one of them...I have a question to all english natives: I would be interested to know what foreign accents in English sound worst and what accents sound most charming (i.e. icelandic)....
seems some accents sounds quite terrible in english and german was one of them...I have a question to all english natives: I would be interested to know what foreign accents in English sound worst and what accents sound most charming (i.e. icelandic)....
Alright :)
I'll start off with American accents.
Northern American: I find this accent to be very welcomeing and kind.
Southern American: Makes people sound like idiots.
Eastern American: It's something I could get used to although it is a bit comical
Canadian Accent: Much like the northern American, except funnier.
Mexican Accent: No! I don't want a goddamn chicken sandwich!
Other Hispanic Accents: Can be alright as long as it isn't too heavy.
Soft British Accent: Probably the best English accent.
Hard British Accent: Might as well be a whole new language.
Scottish Accent: Hilarity ensues.
Irish Accent: Fairly amusing. But not as much as Scottish
Italian Accent: Pretty cool. Kinda scary in a Godfather sort of way.
Jewish Accent: I like it. Not sure why.
French Accent: Sounds almost demeaning.
German Accent: I can't tell if they are offering me chocolate or threatening my life.
Russian Accent: Sexy in a wierd femdom sort of way.
Japanese Accent: Love Japan. Love the accent.
Chinese Accent: Very strange. I still don't understand the whole "r" vs "l" deal.
Jamacan Accent: Awsome mon!
Native American: Much like Canadian, except it's enriched with the spirit of the buffalo.
Who am I missing?
The Dutch Accent is the most HOT accent I have ever heard !
seems some accents sounds quite terrible in english and german was one of them...I have a question to all english natives: I would be interested to know what foreign accents in English sound worst and what accents sound most charming (i.e. icelandic)....
Alright :)
Thanks for the detailed opinion my american? friend ...
Originally posted by Stingy
German Accent: I can't tell if they are offering me chocolate or threatening my life...
I haven't a clue what you are talking about..
Originally posted by Stingy
...The Dutch Accent is the most HOT accent I have ever heard !...
same here...dutch accent sounds very cute, funny and sexy...
I love my politicians...not lol
This one is my fav...I'm not sure it's realy him, but he would say something like that...if he knew any english that is - skip to the end, and hear hi's REAL laughter
For Buzz :
My accent is plain annoying. I sound like an Icelandic girl who I talk with on MSN, not some young northerner!
I'm the most vanted man in America! I cannot exactly browse the racks of JC Penneys!
hm...its all greek for me but it does not matter...I'm a man and so I don't really interested in her language skills except french ...the fckg vice squad is after away