Movie: Ninja Assassin

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  • Stingy
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Mar 2009
    • 5497


    Movie: Ninja Assassin

    Warning peoples, although there aren't spoilers here necessarily, if you're planning to see this movie you probably shouldn't read this.

    Alright so last night my two friends dragged me to go see Ninja Assassin with them. I saw the previews and it looked OK, but not something that I was really interested in. Not to mention the amazingly bad name "Ninja Assassin" was a huge turn off. Got there for a 10:45 showing and in walks some mother with her 2 kids that were both about 8 or younger. WTF?
    Anyway, the previews sucked. Nothing new.

    Now let me actually talk about why the movie sucked.
    This movie was set in Berlin, Germany. Yes. A ninja movie set in Berlin.
    The main character (besides the ninja guy) was an American and her partner was British. What the hell?

    The movie lept right into the point. And not even in a good way. There was no character developtment. Blood just started flying. Speaking of blood, that was probably the worst part. Not only did this move exxagerate the amount of blood that a human holds by a gigantic amount. Not even in a comical supposed to be overthetop Sweeny Todd type either. Just the bad type. Also the CGI blood was way way way fake. Like 1999 fake. Some of the other CGI stuff was a bit off because of lighting and all so you could tell it was CGI but it wasn't TOO bad. The story was rushed and never really had time to go into any depth as to what was going on. So the story was pretty weak.

    Now we get to the ninjas. Alright, ninjas are cool and I am jealous of their acrobatic skills and such. From what I understand, this movie was supposed to be about what modern-day ninjas were supposed to be like. To put some realism behind them. For the most part it got that right. However, the ninjas seemed to be able to apparate at some points like they were ghosts. I know I know they're ninjas but come on. Sometimes it worked. Most of the time it just looked lame. Not to mention when they all got together in a group they did this little whispering orgy thing that I found to be really stupid.

    I wasn't expecting too much from this movie so I wasn't dissappointed that it sucked. I was dissappointes that I payed 8 dollars to see it. I give it a 6/10.
    Granted, the number might be a bit low due to outside influences. The friends that brought me there wound up texting half the damn time, and there was a fat guy in front of us that kept laughing at really stupid shit and making dumbass little comments. Wasn't even like a jolly fat guy laugh. More like a "shut the **** up before I rip your trachea out" laugh.

    If you're into bad movies and feel like spending 10 bucks then be my guest and go see it.
    But I would wait until it gets released on TPB. And even then I wouldn't reccomment downloading.
  • xjocundxlilacx
    Level 22 - Ziggy's Alien
    • Jun 2009
    • 734

    Re: Movie: Ninja Assassin

    Deviantart had a massive promo based around this film where everyone got a free journal skin... it looked okay at first, but thanks to Stingieh I don't think I'll go see it.

    If this is the way martial arts/ninja/Eastern violence movies are going, what with the ninjas in Germany thing and all, I think I may only go to see The Spy Next Door to lust over Maggi. (did I just say that out loud?!)

    I'm the most vanted man in America! I cannot exactly browse the racks of JC Penneys!


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