Your favorite city

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  • LazyTownWW
    Level 28 - Friend For Life
    • Jun 2009
    • 1998

    Re: Your favorite city

    Originally posted by SonicStephanie

    Don't call ?zmir...Smyrna

    or else I'll call Romania with its old name...then I'll count you as a Ottoman >: (
    So, what is Romania's old name, mister expert?
    Oh, and it's Constantinopole, or Biznatium, not Istanbul
    Sportacus crystal


    • Code of airport
      Level 9 - Energy Poster
      • Mar 2010
      • 96

      Re: Your favorite city

      Originally posted by LazyTownWW
      Originally posted by SonicStephanie

      Don't call ?zmir...Smyrna

      or else I'll call Romania with its old name...then I'll count you as a Ottoman >: (
      So, what is Romania's old name, mister expert?
      Oh, and it's Constantinopole, or Biznatium, not Istanbul


      after all my favorite countries are scandinavian... i love sweden
      cape diem
      feel the moment

      Verae amicitiae sempiternae sunt
      true friendships are eternal

      Donec eris sospes, multos numerabis amicos: tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris
      Until you're lucky, has many friends: if there are clouds, you're alone


      • Zokita
        Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
        • Apr 2007
        • 1215

        I'm from Pennsylvania in the United States, and the furthest I've ever traveled from there was one trip to Disney World.

        I haven't been to very many cities. I've been to Harrisburg, the beach towns in New Jersey, NYC, and Pittsburgh. Of all of those I think I liked Pittsburgh the best. It was clean, interesting, and safe as long as you didn't wear Philly sports team apparel. (and as I'm not a sports fan that wasn't a problem). I cleverly disguised my Philly accent by pronouncing water as 'wah-tur' and not the Philly way of 'wooder', and all was well.

        Although I like Philly too, in its own way. It was the place where little innocent suburban me first learned about trains, subways, and taxis. There are wonderful centers of the arts. And as long as you know where to go, you're fine. Also, the gayborhood has excellent food.
        I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.


        • LazyTownWW
          Level 28 - Friend For Life
          • Jun 2009
          • 1998

          Re: Your favorite city

          Originally posted by Code of airport
          Originally posted by LazyTownWW
          Originally posted by SonicStephanie

          Don't call ?zmir...Smyrna

          or else I'll call Romania with its old name...then I'll count you as a Ottoman >: (
          So, what is Romania's old name, mister expert?
          Oh, and it's Constantinopole, or Biznatium, not Istanbul


          after all my favorite countries are scandinavian... i love sweden
          Bigno! :) Anthough Dacia was bigger then modern day Romania.
          I also love Scandinavia...except Finland.
          Originally posted by Zokita
          About the east coast
          I'm a bit confused, where's the beach in Pittsburgh? Or is that a river beach?
          Sportacus crystal


          • Zokita
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
            • Apr 2007
            • 1215

            Oh, that was me using commas incorrectly. No beach in Pittsburgh that I know of. I just sorta consider myself east coast because I live right next to the New Jersey border and NJ's such a small state that I can reach the beach in an hour.
            I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.


            • pyrophilia
              GETLAZY MEMBER
              Level 10 - LazyTowner
              • Jan 2010
              • 142


              Originally posted by Zokita
              Oh, that was me using commas incorrectly. No beach in Pittsburgh that I know of. I just sorta consider myself east coast because I live right next to the New Jersey border and NJ's such a small state that I can reach the beach in an hour.
              I've never been to NJ the only state I've been to is Florida. I was however obsessed with Tony Hawk's UnderGround - is NJ as beautiful as that game makes it look?


              • Stingy
                NEW MEMBER
                Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                • Mar 2009
                • 5497

                Re: Re:

                Originally posted by pyrophilia
                is NJ as beautiful as that game makes it look?
                I have never played the game....but NJ is certainly not known for being beautiful XD


                • pyrophilia
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 10 - LazyTowner
                  • Jan 2010
                  • 142

                  Re: Re:

                  Originally posted by Stingy
                  Originally posted by pyrophilia
                  is NJ as beautiful as that game makes it look?
                  I have never played the game....but NJ is certainly not known for being beautiful XD
                  Lol that was the joke, the game makes it look like a complete shit-hole!


                  • LazyTownWW
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 28 - Friend For Life
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 1998

                    Re: Your favorite city

                    I'm surprised this city is so small

                    Sportacus crystal


                    • Buzz
                      Der Postmeister
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 33 - New Superhero
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 4197

                      Re: Your favorite city

                      Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                      ...I'm surprised this city is so small...
                      small name - small city...I was never there but's look pretty...


                      • PolarFox
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 815

                        Re: Your favorite city

                        Luv this type of architecture.
                        What this name? I called that - medieval, but of course it's not correct.

                        PS I envy German peoples, they (mostly) have beautiful cities.
                        we mostly have towns-scrapyards, "Russische schweine" yes :oops: :(


                        • Zokita
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 1215

                          Re: Your favorite city

                          It may be small, but it sure is cute! *adds to list of places to visit someday*
                          I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.


                          • Lily_Kaelar
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 26 - Roboticus
                            • May 2007
                            • 1068

                            Re: Your favorite city

                            ...not Baltimore, that's for sure. Too dirty, too dull, too dreary, too annoying (accents and racism especially)...

                            I really like New York. I love Central's so beautiful! I've been there twice, but loved it both times. Sure, it's dirty, smelly, and crime-infested...but it's still a really cool place. If I could learn to find my way around and get over my fear of public transportation, I would live there.

                            I still love San Jose, California. One of the nicest places to raise kids in California. But its police are getting a little that's the only downside. They beat up innocents they suspect of crime.

                            LazyTown is the obvious choice. Latibær is cool too, but I would have to brush up on my Icelandic first.

                            I want to live all over the world at least once, but not in really poor and awful places (but I would visit). I plan to live in a lot of different countries before I kick the bucket, and I may or may not come back to the States before I go...depends on how I feel. My counselor wants me to look into joining the Peace Corps after college. Not only is it free to travel and stay, but I get to learn a different language and teach other people basic life skills. I've always wanted to help people. And my history teacher did that in Haiti for a while before he came here (long before the earthquake), and he loved it. My counselor did it in West Africa, teaching simple math and life lessons to old and young alike. It would be very difficult, but I would still like to try. I would have to do it for two years or so and then I could go home and do whatever I wanted. It's definitely something to try. And it would look great on a resume, so getting a job in this tough economy would be a lot easier and it could make it easier to get a job in all these different places I plan to live in.

                            Some other cities I would like are London, Paris, know, all the places everyone wants to see.
                            xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

                            "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


                            • Lily_Kaelar
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 26 - Roboticus
                              • May 2007
                              • 1068


                              Originally posted by Zokita
                              I'm from Pennsylvania in the United States, and the furthest I've ever traveled from there was one trip to Disney World.

                              I haven't been to very many cities. I've been to Harrisburg, the beach towns in New Jersey, NYC, and Pittsburgh. Of all of those I think I liked Pittsburgh the best. It was clean, interesting, and safe as long as you didn't wear Philly sports team apparel. (and as I'm not a sports fan that wasn't a problem). I cleverly disguised my Philly accent by pronouncing water as 'wah-tur' and not the Philly way of 'wooder', and all was well.

                              Although I like Philly too, in its own way. It was the place where little innocent suburban me first learned about trains, subways, and taxis. There are wonderful centers of the arts. And as long as you know where to go, you're fine. Also, the gayborhood has excellent food.
                              *1UP* Bwahaha. I came here to Maryland by giant moving truck. And as you know, I'm originally from California. So that's roughly 3000 miles. I went to Disneyland there a few times because it was in my state (CA) at the time.

                              Hehe, which part of PA? I bet it's a hop, skip, and a jump from here.

                              I don't really have an accent, so it's not a problem for me if I travel elsewhere. When I say I live in Baltimore, people say I don't sound like I'm from here. People here pronounce "wash" as "worsh" and "awning" as "orning" and "Baltimore" as "Balmer," "Baltamore," or even "Baltamer." And yeah, they also pronounce "water" similar to how you said it. It's quite amusing, but it can get annoying really fast if you have to live around it forever.

                              I've been to Philly. I liked the ferry boats. But the shaved/italian/whatever ice stand near the Maritime Museum is awful. And I do believe I was in the gayborhood (maybe). I had a wrap thing and it was alright. Huge, though--couldn't finish it. The main reason we came to Philly was so that my mom could eat an authentic Philly cheese steak sub. We also took a horse-and-carriage tour of Philly and saw the Liberty Bell up close. It was pretty neat.
                              xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

                              "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


                              • Lily_Kaelar
                                SPECIAL MEMBER
                                Level 26 - Roboticus
                                • May 2007
                                • 1068

                                Re: Re:

                                Originally posted by pyrophilia
                                Originally posted by Zokita
                                Oh, that was me using commas incorrectly. No beach in Pittsburgh that I know of. I just sorta consider myself east coast because I live right next to the New Jersey border and NJ's such a small state that I can reach the beach in an hour.
                                I've never been to NJ the only state I've been to is Florida. I was however obsessed with Tony Hawk's UnderGround - is NJ as beautiful as that game makes it look?
                                Do you know why New Yorkers are never excited about the light at the end of the tunnel?

                                ...It's Jersey. xD;
                                xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

                                "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."

