and HITLER was killer a ****ing mother****er...a son of a bitch...
LazyTownWW you got
I was partly joking...for the "TOPIC OF DOOM AND STUPIDITY".
But realy, there are big simmilarityes between the 2...they were both considered heros of theyr people in they'r days (Ataturk still is by the turks and hated by kurds, armenians and greeks for the most part, while Hitler is only worhipped by neo-nazis and hated by everyone else), they both reformed their countries and made them better places to live, they both started wars to recover lost lands (only Hitler over did it lol), they both comitted genocide, they were both secularists...they both banned other political parties, they both ruled for do see the simmilarities, don't you?
PS I wish to keep this chat in this thread only. And no offence to Mustafa Kamel "Ataturk", I'm just making a simple analisis here.
Yup, that's what I could be a lie, it could not be, but the fact is that Armenia and Greece lost they'r historicle lands to Ataturk's reigime, just as they got them back.