This kind of information cannot be repeated enough. Everyone needs to know this kind of information, even people who claim to be tech savvy. Anyone can have a slip up and forget to do the normal checks that should always be done.
Speaking of passwords, my password for everything is: thisisafakepassword
Right. I used to get phished all the time when I was little, and mom kept yelling when she found porn in her inbox from my stolen account. Those were scary times.
Even now that I know what phishing is and all the signs I still slip up sometimes. :?
But when I do catch it, I like to have a bit of fun.
Username: Zokita
Password: ¥0µ$µ(|{@$$
I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.
Another thing to worry about is feeling too safe and taking risks. I've been using Sandboxie a lot lately and it gives me a feeling of security, but I also found myself taking risks by trying out suspicious software while in Sandboxie. I must kick that bad habit. Otherwise they may find out my password information for my Cayman Island's account: