Everyone! Agus (SportaMega) lives in Chile, And on Saturday there was a huge earthquake, Bigger than Haiti and the biggest in Chile for 50 years. PLEASE! Do everything you? can to help him and his country.
He hasn't sign in here since, all we have to do is wait :(
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
I have tried to contact him but no success. I hope he is fine: according to CNN it was an earthquake of 8.8 on R. scale, so it was a real big one. Many parts of Santiago and Concepción are without electric power yet and, of course, all internet connection is very limited by that.
Anyway, he will find the way to make us know if something is wrong and if he needs help in any way.
Normally, the simplest explanation is the right one: there is not energy power in Concepción in many places of that city (according to many international news agencies).
Internet connection depends on many affected (or damaged) telephonic systems and that would explain his lack of communications by now.
According to chilean government, it will require two days (at least) to settle down the situation, giving all the priority to rescue trapped people, bringing food, water and medicines to helpless people, repair the power lines and, probably, internet connections (for regular homes) would be the last of those priorities.
So, cheer up! Let's wait the best of this situation (hoping that Agus and his family is fine) and let's be patient.