Sorry to say this movie plain and simply stunk. A glimmer of hope emerged towards the end which lasted about 15 minutes but then fell apart again. Blame Disney? Blame Tim Burton? I dunno but either Tim Burton has lost his edge or too much Disney meddling around with it.
Top name director, top name actors don't make a good movie. There just wasn't any chemistry between the whole lot of them. Very painful to watch them in this movie. They have the stench of Disney's one dimensional characterization written all over them. I mean seriously coked up film makers from the 80's could have done a better job.
The movie does have lots of eye candy I'll grant you that but there were parts all I could think of was Lord Of The Rings especially those 15 minutes I mentioned earlier. Just a minor distraction for me though overall the most entertaining part of that whole movie.
With that said, bad mistake for them not to go the route of American Mcgee's Alice. Bring it on you fools just bring it on and stop effing around already.
No seriously I'd rather watch these two clips over and over again for an 1 hour and 45 minutes
Top name director, top name actors don't make a good movie. There just wasn't any chemistry between the whole lot of them. Very painful to watch them in this movie. They have the stench of Disney's one dimensional characterization written all over them. I mean seriously coked up film makers from the 80's could have done a better job.
The movie does have lots of eye candy I'll grant you that but there were parts all I could think of was Lord Of The Rings especially those 15 minutes I mentioned earlier. Just a minor distraction for me though overall the most entertaining part of that whole movie.
With that said, bad mistake for them not to go the route of American Mcgee's Alice. Bring it on you fools just bring it on and stop effing around already.
No seriously I'd rather watch these two clips over and over again for an 1 hour and 45 minutes