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  • LazyTownWW
    Level 28 - Friend For Life
    • Jun 2009
    • 1998



    Alright, time for a little politics. Nothing causes such debate as politics, right? And what's more controvercial then political ideologies? ;)

    As I see it, many users here seem to subscribe to this doctrine, even if they will admit to it or not. Some of you may belive you are beyond doctrines, and that you are a free thinker in everything.

    I think I get the general idea of it all, I might understand all the details too. You guys basicly belive that anything belonging in the fields "traditional", "conservative", "moral" etc is bad, and it constricts the individual. You think anyone shouls do what they please, as long as they don't hurt someone else, phisicly or otherwhise.

    Well, what I'm most interested in finding out is how you see the world, and if you could, how would you change it, and what would you change it to.
    Sportacus crystal
  • Stingy
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Mar 2009
    • 5497

    Re: Libertarianism

    Originally posted by LazyTownWW
    I think I get the general idea of it all, I might understand all the details too. You guys basicly belive that anything belonging in the fields "traditional", "conservative", "moral" etc is bad
    Not necessarily, but stringing all of those words together like they are related is quite.

    Some traditions are good, and are unaffected by time. Like birthdays. Some traditions are bad. Like traditionally killing a woman in if she has sex before marriage. And some are just outdated like not selling alcohol on Sundays. Some people just have a hard time letting go. Old habits die know?

    Being conservative is good in some cases. Like with my own personal finances, I am very conservative. Tons of people get into serious trouble when they are too lib with their money.

    Putting moral next to those implies that being a convervative makes you moral, which history shows to be completely inaccurate.

    Originally posted by LazyTownWW
    Well, what I'm most interested in finding out is how you see the world, and if you could, how would you change it, and what would you change it to.
    Everybody has the freedom of choice.


    • LazyTownWW
      Level 28 - Friend For Life
      • Jun 2009
      • 1998

      Re: Libertarianism

      Hmm, well, I was just thinking of Xizer, he hates conservatives and morals too haha.
      Now, what is the libertarian definition of morality then?
      Sportacus crystal


      • Lily_Kaelar
        Level 26 - Roboticus
        • May 2007
        • 1068

        Re: Libertarianism

        Originally posted by LazyTownWW
        I think I get the general idea of it all, I might understand all the details too. You guys basicly belive that anything belonging in the fields "traditional", "conservative", "moral" etc is bad, and it constricts the individual. You think anyone shouls do what they please, as long as they don't hurt someone else, phisicly or otherwhise. Well, what I'm most interested in finding out is how you see the world, and if you could, how would you change it, and what would you change it to.
        Like Stingy said--not all traditions are bad, some are outdated, and some are terrible. It all depends on the tradition.

        Conservatives...well, they can be pretty adverse to change.

        Yes, change can be good. But not all change is good, in my opinion.

        So basically I feel like I can be in the middle sometimes. I agree with some things from both sides, while having my own ideas.

        I'm against open borders, but I'm not against legal immigration, and I'm by no means a nativist or anything.

        I am for drilling oil in the U.S., but I think there should be certain regulations and designated areas to preserve as much of the environment as possible. Until we can convert more people to alternative fuel, this would be a temporary solution to our oil issue.

        I don't like too much government control. I would like a good amount of privacy and less papers to keep track of everything. Not only does it kill trees, but it's creepy to know that they are watching. Also, some laws are getting ridiculous. Did you know that gay/lesbian sex is still illegal in many states, including Maryland? That's an ancient law!

        I am trying to be greener, and I'm all-for green technology and programs to reduce pollution and save ecosystems and whatnot. I'm the president and founder of my high school's environmental club, the Eco-Doves.

        For personal reasons, I eat no red meat--only chicken, turkey, and seafood. I believe that farm animals should have a certain amount of rights, and that there should be regulations on how they are made to live. I believe in humane treatment of animals. California has some nice farms for that.

        I firmly believe in hate crime legislation, though perhaps it should be more like "The Golden Rule" everyone was SUPPOSED to have learned in preschool. Of course, no one listens to that...

        I firmly believe in gay rights, including marriage. Who cares if they marry? It's not like they're harming anyone. And we deserve these rights as much as anyone. If people would just give us these rights, we wouldn't have to fight for them and raise a big stink about it.

        I believe in legalizing marijuana because it is not as harmful as heroine, ecstasy, or cocaine. It makes you mellow and hungry, and perhaps a little out of it, from what I've been told and from what I've seen. I've never tried it. But it's like cigarettes, without all the chemicals and tar. It's natural. If it was legalized and regulated, there would be an improvement in the economy, and crimes involving the marijuana trade would hardly be a problem.

        I am against the war in Iraq. Yes, I believe those terrorist groups are f'ed up and should get their arses kicked, but honestly their beliefs are their business, and we should have been more diplomatic about interfering with the government there.
        Besides, if you look at history...everyone who has tried to conquer/fight Afghanistan has failed. It's just an unwinnable war, probably started due to oil more than terrorism.

        I am pro-life, and believe that if people want to get rid of their babies, they should give them up for adoption or something. Everything should live.

        I am mostly against Obama. Hillary may have done better.

        I think everyone should just chill and live their lives, personally....we're all going to die anyways and whatever comes after will be forever.

        Anyway, that's all.
        xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

        "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


        • boredjedi
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Jun 2007
          • 7306

          Re: Libertarianism

          Ah looks like what we have here is an escapee from /new/


          • LazyTownWW
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 28 - Friend For Life
            • Jun 2009
            • 1998

            Re: Libertarianism

            Originally posted by Lily_Kaelar
            I lean twards the left, like most teens do.
            I think I understand...escept for your views on abortion, you are a typical leftist/libertarian
            Originally posted by boredjedy
            /New/ is unescapable
            Too much freedom leads to chaos. We didn't get where we are with chaos.
            Sportacus crystal


            • Lily_Kaelar
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 26 - Roboticus
              • May 2007
              • 1068

              Re: Libertarianism

              It's because most teachers here are liberal, or have a lot of those leftist views. I was influenced. But I do believe what I believe.

              Oh, yeah. Global science teacher showed us the science behind it and I don´t know what to believe. All I know is, we shouldn´t pollute because even if it doesn´t exist, the other consequences of our pollution won´t go away.
              xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

              "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


              • LazyTownWW
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 28 - Friend For Life
                • Jun 2009
                • 1998

                Re: Libertarianism

                Originally posted by Lily_Kaelar
                It's because most teachers here are liberal, or have a lot of those leftist views. I was influenced. But I do believe what I believe.

                Oh, yeah. Global science teacher showed us the science behind it and I don´t know what to believe. All I know is, we shouldn´t pollute because even if it doesn´t exist, the other consequences of our pollution won´t go away.
                I agree with you about protecting nature . No matter if global warming is or isn't fact, or if it is or isn't caused by human actions, we must still protect our planet as best we can.
                However, I don't see this point of view as belonging to an exclusive doctrine, I mean I like it for it's obvious value, not because someone else likes it, or because it's part of certain doctrines (like the hippy or green anarchist movements).
                Sportacus crystal


                • boredjedi
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                  • Jun 2007
                  • 7306

                  Re: Libertarianism

                  Hurrrr Durrrr stormfags!


                  • LazyTownWW
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 28 - Friend For Life
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 1998

                    Re: Libertarianism

                    Originally posted by boredjedi
                    Hurrrr Durrrr stormfags!
                    Sorry, haven't found anything relevant on that, but I did find this though
                    Funny thing is, some parts are simply...fact.
                    Sportacus crystal


                    • boredjedi
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                      • Jun 2007
                      • 7306

                      Re: Libertarianism

                      Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                      Oh don't get me wrong I wasn't making any comment about the content of the discussion in here I just wanted to say Hurrrr Durrrr stormfags!

                      If I was I would have used this


                      Let's go GREEN!


                      • LazyTownWW
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 28 - Friend For Life
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 1998

                        Re: Libertarianism

                        I think found were talking about Stormfront...but I don't get it , does this mean you are homophobic, BJ?
                        Sportacus crystal


                        • boredjedi
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                          • Jun 2007
                          • 7306

                          Re: Libertarianism

                          Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                          I think found were talking about Stormfront...but I don't get it , does this mean you are homophobic, BJ?
                          I'ma gay homophobic


                          • LazyTownWW
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 28 - Friend For Life
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 1998

                            Re: Libertarianism

                            Originally posted by boredjedi
                            Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                            I think found were talking about Stormfront...but I don't get it , does this mean you are homophobic, BJ?
                            I'ma gay homophobic
                            Sportacus crystal


                            • Lily_Kaelar
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 26 - Roboticus
                              • May 2007
                              • 1068

                              Re: Libertarianism

                              Originally posted by Encyclopedia Dramatica
                              They also believe roads and civic infrastructure are naturally occurring phenomena.
                              Haha this is quite true! The roads in Baltimore are some of the worst I've ever been on. The city doesn't fix them as they should.

                              Anyway, tl;dr all of it.
                              xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

                              "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."

