Day of Silence 2010
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Day of Silence 2010
xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3
"Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."Tags: None- Translate
Re: Day of Silence 2010
!xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3
"Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."- Translate
Re: Day of Silence 2010
But you're a fun troll.
seriously, though, I don't have anywhere in public to go tomorrow or I'd do it. Guess I can try it at home, but ...
maybe I just won't post on the internet tomorrow. I won't be missed.I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.- Translate
Re: Day of Silence 2010
Originally posted by ZokitaI won't be missedGetur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!- Translate
Re: Day of Silence 2010
Dumb idea...tottaly...I refuse to paticipate, so I'll :hurr: over here today, as well as in reality.
Leave it to rich collage kids to come up with the dumbest ideas ;)Sportacus crystal- Translate
Re: Day of Silence 2010
You guys could at least respect my choice to protest and either ignore the thread or give's not nice to say such things as were said here today :(
Anyway, it lasts from morning til after school and I tried to go longer than that, but with all of the nonsense my environmental club was stirring up (they had no clue what they were doing or what I wanted from them so I needed to give them directions) I just couldn't take it anymore and I told them exactly what they were supposed to be doing. The dry-erase board I was carrying and the sticky notes I also used didn't seem to give them the idea.
A friend of mine who likes to be cheeky with me read the last line of my card, which said, "What are YOU going to do to end the silence?" She then tickled me! But I didn't laugh...I just smacked her arm and made faces at her and she laughed and walked away.
Most people respected my silence, except my choir teacher, who said I had no excuse to be silent and I would get zero credit if I didn't I decided to sing. That was the one time during school hours that I broke my silence.
A lot of my friends didn't participate. The only ones who did just wanted to get out of doing schoolwork and completely missed the point of the protest. But I was serious about it.
Maybe people just don't understand the symbolism of this whole exercise...
On the bright side, my silent shenanigans attracted more people to the club's fundraising table, and we sold out of nachos, juice, and hotdogs in less than an hour, earning two hundred dollars and some change. That will be enough to fund a good amount of the nature retreat we were planning. :3
I love the Day of Silence not only because it attracts more attention to our cause, but it is also a lot of fun trying to communicate ideas without words, and silent lunch hours are the best because you get to sit and reflect on just how awesome everything in life can be. I don't know...I'm just the thinking type xD;
I didn't use my dry-erase board or sticky notes for anything except class participation and communicating ideas that couldn't be expressed with gestures/charades. It was pretty fun.xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3
"Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."- Translate
Re: Day of Silence 2010
I say good for you for doing something like this! I personally wouldn't, but I'm not really against the idea. I would just find it difficult and would rather protest against that sort of issue in other ways. But anyone who shows their support for such a thing, no matter how they do it, is okay by me.- Translate
Re: Day of Silence 2010
Thanks Rowanxjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3
"Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."- Translate
Re: Day of Silence 2010
Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.- Translate
Re: Day of Silence 2010
Well it would have to be a well-known, organized event. My school's GSA isn't active and there aren't many clubs. I agree with the general "anti-hate" protest, but I don't know how we could make it a big thing.xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3
"Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."- Translate
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