Crazy Dreams

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  • Stingy
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Mar 2009
    • 5497

    Re: Crazy Dreams

    Originally posted by Lily_Kaelar
    1. No idea who those people are.
    2. That's terrible, Stingy.....I should have said no inappropriate dreams...
    You really don't know who Sarah Palin is?
    It's not even the unrated version


    • Glanni's Girl
      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
      • Jan 2010
      • 5016

      Re: Crazy Dreams

      Originally posted by Stingy
      Originally posted by Lily_Kaelar
      1. No idea who those people are.
      2. That's terrible, Stingy.....I should have said no inappropriate dreams...
      You really don't know who Sarah insane **** is?
      No we don't, we're not psychic!

      Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
      Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


      • Stingy
        NEW MEMBER
        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
        • Mar 2009
        • 5497

        Re: Crazy Dreams

        [quote=Glanni's Girl]
        Originally posted by Stingy
        Originally posted by "Lily_Kaelar":046c6
        1. No idea who those people are.
        2. That's terrible, Stingy.....I should have said no inappropriate dreams...
        You really don't know who Sarah insane **** is?
        No we don't, we're not psychic![/quote:046c6]
        You are allowed to not, because you're British. But Lily is Amuricun. But yes, her.


        • Glanni's Girl
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Jan 2010
          • 5016

          Re: Crazy Dreams

          Thought so. Have you seen Tina Fey's impression of her?
          Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
          Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


          • Stingy
            NEW MEMBER
            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
            • Mar 2009
            • 5497

            Re: Crazy Dreams

            Originally posted by Glanni's Girl
            Have you seen Tina Fey's impression of her?
            You betcha!


            • Glanni's Girl
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
              • Jan 2010
              • 5016

              Re: Crazy Dreams

              Tina's so awesome, 30 ROCK is belly achingly funny
              Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
              Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


              • Frances
                GETLAZY MEMBER
                Level 11 - The Blue Knight
                • Sep 2009
                • 198

                Re: Crazy Dreams

                Ewwwwwwwwwww, Sarah Palin has cooties!!!
                Never really considered the fact that crows were once babies...


                • Lily_Kaelar
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 26 - Roboticus
                  • May 2007
                  • 1068

                  Re: Crazy Dreams

                  Originally posted by Stingy
                  Originally posted by Lily_Kaelar
                  1. No idea who those people are.
                  2. That's terrible, Stingy.....I should have said no inappropriate dreams...
                  You really don't know who Sarah Palin is?
                  It's not even the unrated version
                  Rofl I'm not THAT ignorant....I was in American Government class when she and McCain started running. But you never stated which Sarah it was. Like GG said, how are we supposed to know?

                  And lol w/e.
                  xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

                  "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


                  • Lily_Kaelar
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 26 - Roboticus
                    • May 2007
                    • 1068

                    Re: Crazy Dreams


                    I was really tired when I replied to your post at first. I didn't notice the "Sarah Palin" part, only that you constantly referred to her as "Sarah insane cunt"
                    xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

                    "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


                    • Stingy
                      NEW MEMBER
                      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 5497

                      Re: Crazy Dreams

                      Had a dream featuring Glanni's Girl last night.
                      She was decked out in full on V costume. Head to toe. Which makes sense that my mind would do that since I don't know what she looks like, and the Guy Fawkes mask represents anonimity nowadays, plus her liking of the movie. My subconcious sure is smart.

                      Anyway, I can't remember too many specific details, but I recall that we were in a very dark basement at first getting ready for the night ahead of us. We then went outside in our really nice sports cars (lol) to create a little chaos. Swerving in the roads and cutting off cars or making countless near misses. I do recall making two distinct stops. One at a playground where we actually just sort of played around lol. And another at a field where we were still in our cars and we were tearing up the turf with donuts and stuff haha.

                      Had a blast Alison! Call me anytime and we'll do it again :)


                      • Glanni's Girl
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                        • Jan 2010
                        • 5016

                        Re: Crazy Dreams

                        Originally posted by Stingy
                        Had a blast Alison! Call me anytime and we'll do it again
                        Me too! I'd love to do it again


                        Just dreampt I moved house, not good.
                        Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
                        Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


                        • Stingy
                          NEW MEMBER
                          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 5497

                          Re: Crazy Dreams

                          Alright so apparently I occasionally offend people on here so here's your warning
                          This post contains mild sexual description.

                          Ok. So I'm not sure if even I understand this dream. I'll do my best to explain, but it's confusing as all hell.

                          The dream begins as a dream within a dream. I am dreaming in my dream that I go to my college, because I have to ask them about how much my books are going to be. (In real life I actually do sort of have to do this haha). While I am waiting for the train, I am reading a book about human anatomy, because somehow there was a library at the station. One of my old friends Shannon comes up and sits down and we just talk about school and the like. When the train comes, I get on and leave. On my seat and I find a keychain with a Butthead figure on it. The same one that I have on mine in real life, but newer and not broken. I was like aweeesooome and I was about to take it off and replace it but I got yelled at by some other people on the train, because apparently they knew who it belonged to. I got off the train to go to the school and bumped into this girl who I hardly knew from high school named Nikki. (http://i44.*******.com/2vcxm42.jpg She's on the left) We end up having sex haha. (This is still the dream within the dream). And then I go to the school, ask about my books, and leave.

                          Then, I wake up from my dream within my dream. So this is still the dream, but back to the first tier of dream haha. My mom woke me up, as I was standing at the front doors of the school. I was very confused. I asked my mom what the hell she was doing there and she said that she wanted to make sure that I got there OK. I was pretty pissed at her for babying me. And I was pretty pissed that my effort of getting my books was fake too. But I just sighed and went inside to do it again.

                          Just then, my phone vibrates from a text message. It's from Nikki! She mentioned something about "the time we spent together." Can't recall what she said, but it was in direct reference. I just stood there with my jaw open. I ran to the art building to find her. I grabbed her and showed her the text. I asked her, did this really happen? She said yes. I said are you sure? Are you sure that this really happened? She kept reassuring me that it did. I didn't know what to do...I just sort of walked away really confused.

                          That's all I remember haha.

                          Maybe I should stop posting my sex dreams. I'm making this sound like they happen often.


                          • Deep4t
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 22 - Ziggy's Alien
                            • May 2009
                            • 730

                            Re: Crazy Dreams

                            i had 2 dreams on the same night, pretty much next to each other. (i woke up then fell asleep), they probs wont any sense, i wrote down what i could remember like almost as soon as a woke up <_<
                            so ill write the 2nd dream since i remember it better. So, one of my college teachers organised a party, so we went to the 6th floor where he said it was.. nothing there. So we looked around college (which now had some kinda weird staircase but i really cant remember) and we looked everywhere till we found this weird place with no doors. but with like a 5 inch gap where the doors should be from the floor. So we like, crawled under these lol. And there was like, loads of people staring at us like... half asleep who were disabled or somit. <_< weird.

                            Anyway, we kinda gave up finding this party apart from me, who walked out into some bizzare field looking for it, then some farmer got an animal to attack me (mighta been a bear i cant remember) but i made friends with it, then the farmer was like, RUUUUN, cause there was a really nasty monster thing coming. So i ran away.

                            Then, i found a building, and i think I was Harry Potter now some reason, and there was like a invisible magic stairway, with my class mates trying to walk up it and failing. And they was like "I BET HARRY POTTER CAN DO IT" in like a negative way, cause its always HArry Potter. Then i cant remember a lot, but it was about Harry potter lol.
                            THEN,i find a building. And theres a tennis court, and 2 women with like... fursuit animal heads come out. And I get them to take the heads off and theyre kinda hot. And we play Tennis, only... Its Sega Super Stars Tennis. I think I play as Eggman. Anyway, I beat them both in some epic match. And then, i noticed the building is full of furries. Like, some convention. And these 2 people I thought are now like..real dragons now but still talk english. And then people are lining up to play tennis with this machine thing. And theres a guy dressed up as a penis I remember who gets kicked out. Anyway, i line up for a while, get to the machine and im like the first person to win. And i talk to the dragon people and theyre impressed and then im like "ive gotta go but ill add you on Facebook".

                            im amazed how much i remember, i started writing not knowing much but its all coming back.

                            The other dream. I was at some form on concert, in a tent even thought it was indoors. I was with some girls ive only ever met once. I was trying to convince them that i could stay in the tent cause I had nowhere to go. Then someone shouts WEED. and security come and take us to a room. And they keep asking for our like... a weird name i cant even remember, but what they wanted was like a receipt from out concert tickets... and im like, I give him my train tickets some reason. And he gets pissed, leaves the room. And then he comes back, and he's gonna kill me. Cant remember much now. but the end of the dream, I was in my bedroom and he was coming to kill me and its like a video game I get a hint saying, turn into a moth. lol, right, so theres a timer on my 'screen' and I have to survive that long in my room till he goes away. So it turn into a moth and hide under my bed. But it turns out I can only stay as a moth for a number of seconds. So i turn back human and he kills me. THEN, on my second life. I wait till the last possible minute, turn into a moth, hide. THEN, i turn into another moth... somehow, theres 2 moths now. I fly around, he kills the first moth and I win.

                            if you read that and understood it, well done..and this isnt made up.


                            • Glanni's Girl
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                              • Jan 2010
                              • 5016

                              Re: Crazy Dreams

                              Originally posted by Deep4t
                              2 dreams...
                              haha, awesome
                              Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
                              Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


                              • Lily_Kaelar
                                SPECIAL MEMBER
                                Level 26 - Roboticus
                                • May 2007
                                • 1068

                                Re: Crazy Dreams

                                I just woke up but somehow I can't really remember much.

                                Anyway, here goes...

                                I dreamed that I was looking for a water bottle, but the only one I could find was the one I had accidentally knocked over onto the table in the greenhouse that we were pretty sure had lead paint on it. So I decided to wash it off really well. I did that, filled it up, and drank. My mom came in and yelled at me, asking me why I was being stupid and drinking out of the bottle (she knew it had touched the lead paint). I was like "Idk I can't find another" and she walked to the corner of the kitchen and grabbed one out of the case, which I hadn't noticed was full of water bottles. So I spat the water out and poured the water out of the bottle and recycled it. And then I took my mom's water bottle and drank from that instead. It was room temp so not so tasty but it was better than getting lead poisoning.

                                Details get fuzzy here...I think I was running around the school but don't remember. There may have been an auditorium involved, and the greenhouse and some new buildings I've never seen. All I can remember is, I kept seeing my ex and I was really sad about that but glad that he was talking to me, even though he was being mean. And I was always running away from some bad guys, whom I could see nothing of but their shadows.

                                I don't remember anything else.

                                But it seems that in nearly all of my dreams, I'm running away from some unknown, unseen evil. Spooky!
                                xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

                                "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."

