Re: 1sth June
[quote=Glanni's Girl]
Double wow
Triple wow[/quote:0bd31]
Not really. The radio show is one of my local station. I've done it before. It's with my Trailblazers group (youth part of The Lancashire Wildlife Trust).
The film premier is at the local university, because my group at college made a film about deforestation for The Lancashire Wildlife Trust. The film will be on Youtube after the event.
And the last bit... I'm worried about the Titanic one, as I'm the only viola player turning up, and there's two viola parts and there's no way of hearing me probably. And I think I might be leader in the viola section for the Birmingham one, since the two really good players aren't turning up, and I'm not sure whether the two that have just moved up from the little orchestra are coming...
[quote=Glanni's Girl]
Originally posted by "sportagirl_10.5":0bd31
Originally posted by sportagirl_10.5
Originally posted by sportagirl_10.5
Not really. The radio show is one of my local station. I've done it before. It's with my Trailblazers group (youth part of The Lancashire Wildlife Trust).
The film premier is at the local university, because my group at college made a film about deforestation for The Lancashire Wildlife Trust. The film will be on Youtube after the event.
And the last bit... I'm worried about the Titanic one, as I'm the only viola player turning up, and there's two viola parts and there's no way of hearing me probably. And I think I might be leader in the viola section for the Birmingham one, since the two really good players aren't turning up, and I'm not sure whether the two that have just moved up from the little orchestra are coming...