Adventures in instant messaging

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  • Victoria
    Owner of GetLazy
    Level 28 - Friend For Life
    • Apr 2007
    • 1922


    Adventures in instant messaging

    [23:19] ? Sweet Pea ?: hey you!
    [23:19] Xizer: SWEET PEA!!!
    [23:19] ? Sweet Pea ?: herro! lol
    [23:19] ? Sweet Pea ?: um i was actualy wondering if you would try and help me with something lol
    [23:20] Xizer: great. now i'm tech support/.
    [23:20] ? Sweet Pea ?: lmao
    [23:20] ? Sweet Pea ?: well i need help with shcool work
    [23:20] ? Sweet Pea ?: and your soo smart :)
    [23:20] Xizer: you're*
    [23:20] ? Sweet Pea ?: .....yeah dont kick me when im down lol
    [23:21] Xizer: apostrophes just aren't your thing are they?
    [23:21] ? Sweet Pea ?: ok i need to weite a descriptive essay about califonria...and i dont even know where to start
    [23:21] ? Sweet Pea ?: and lazy to take the time and put them in
    [23:21] Xizer: liberals, gays, and mexicans
    [23:21] ? Sweet Pea ?: lmao
    [23:21] ? Sweet Pea ?: it has to be a descriptive essay about the land
    [23:22] Xizer: it's hot. and dry. and it seems like it's always catching on fire. the end.
    [23:22] ? Sweet Pea ?: lmao
    [23:22] ? Sweet Pea ?: i see your not gonna help lol
    [23:22] Xizer: what
    [23:22] Xizer: i'm giving you great starting points
    [23:22] Xizer: write about wildfires and deserts and shit
    [23:22] ? Sweet Pea ?: lmao
    [23:22] ? Sweet Pea ?: your amazing!
    [23:22] Xizer: thank you.
    [23:22] ? Sweet Pea ?: mlao
    [23:23] ? Sweet Pea ?: but its like where to start...and what to start with im having trouble with
    [23:24] ? Sweet Pea ?: grr i should just fail at life right now
    [23:25] Xizer: california also has a lot of cliffs
    [23:25] Xizer: great for those with suicidal tendencies
    [23:25] ? Sweet Pea ?: lmao
    [23:25] ? Sweet Pea ?: LMAO
    [23:25] ? Sweet Pea ?: your seriously making me laugh
    [23:25] ? Sweet Pea ?: even tho i know your just insulting thr shit out of cali i find it halarious
    [23:26] Xizer: halarious? o_O
    [23:26] ? Sweet Pea ?: ..yea
    [23:26] ? Sweet Pea ?: this is the example our teacher gave us..that are essay has to look like
    [23:26] Xizer: how old did you say you were again
    [23:27] ? Sweet Pea ?: the grass turns brittle and brown and it cracks beneath your feet. there are green belts along the rivers and creeks. linear groves of hickory and pecan, willow and witch hazel
    [23:27] ? Sweet Pea ?: and im almost 18...
    [23:27] Xizer: and you need my help writing an essay?
    [23:28] ? Sweet Pea ?: lmao
    [23:28] ? Sweet Pea ?: your an ass..but i get your point
    [23:28] Xizer: i knew california was broke
    [23:28] Xizer: i didn't realize they couldn't afford teachers
    [23:28] ? Sweet Pea ?: ya know
    [23:28] ? Sweet Pea ?: you can go **** yourself
    [23:28] Xizer: lol

    post yo wacky convos here
  • Stingy
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Mar 2009
    • 5497

    Re: Adventures in instant messaging



    • PolarFox
      Level 24 - The Blue Elf
      • Sep 2009
      • 815

      Re: Adventures in instant messaging

      You're great writer

