Joke thread

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  • Master Of Disguise
    Level 16 - Sportaposter
    • Oct 2011
    • 402


    Joke thread

    Well nothing to say, the title explains everything, you just tell jokes
    There's just one little rule about the types of jokes. You can tell any joke you want (knock knock jokes, Chuck Norris jokes, blonde jokes, dirty jokes etc.) except religious jokes, it's ok for me I have a good sense of humor but I donnu about the others, they might feel offended so no jokes about religions please :) sorry I just want everyone to be smiling while reading in this topic.

    So, have fun guys

    PS: Stingy, I'm expecting something funny from you
  • Master Of Disguise
    Level 16 - Sportaposter
    • Oct 2011
    • 402

    Re: Joke thread

    Ok this was unexpected ^^'

    I'll go first then
    Little info : Arabe people in the middle east can't pronounce the lettre P, they say B instead.
    So this joke is about an arab guy living in America. Once, he wanted to park his car so he asked the guy guarding the parking lot:
    -Can I bark here?
    -Excuse me sir?
    -Can I bark in here?
    -Yes sir you can bark anywhere.
    That's all ^^' my english teacher told me this joke, I donnu if you guys already know it


    • Master Of Disguise
      Level 16 - Sportaposter
      • Oct 2011
      • 402

      Re: Joke thread

      *knock knock*
      -Who's there?
      -Christmas and trees.
      -Christmas and trees who?
      -Christmas and trees! Christmas and treeeees ! doo do do do sh-boom

      'Got the idea from the magazine lol


      • Glanni's Girl
        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
        • Jan 2010
        • 5016

        Re: Joke thread

        Originally posted by Master Of Disguise
        this joke is about an arab guy living in America. Once, he wanted to park his car so he asked the guy guarding the parking lot:
        -Can I bark here?
        -Excuse me sir?
        -Can I bark in here?
        -Yes sir you can bark anywhere.
        lol, nice :)

        Originally posted by Master Of Disguise
        Christmas and trees! Christmas and treeeees ! doo do do do sh-boom
        More of an inside joke (the best kind ;) )
        Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
        Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


        • Glanni's Girl
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Jan 2010
          • 5016

          Re: Joke thread

          I have a postcard with a long joke on it somewhere *goes to look for it*
          Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
          Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


          • Glanni's Girl
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
            • Jan 2010
            • 5016

            Re: Joke thread

            Found it...

            A mangy looking guy goes into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender says, "No way. I don't think you can pay for it." The guy says, "You're right. I don't have any money, but if I show you something you've never seen before, will you give me a drink?"
            The bartender replies, "Only if what you show me ain't rude."
            "Deal." says the guy. He reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a Hamster. He puts the Hamster on the bar and it runs across the bar, jumps across the room, lands on the piano and starts playing like a professional pianist. The barman says, "You're right, I've never seen anything like that before. That's one talented Hamster." The guy downs the drink and asks for another. "Money or another miracle, or else no drink," says the bartender. The guy reaches into his coat pocket again and pulls out a Frog. He puts the Frog onto the bar and the Frog begins to sing like a pro. As the bartender pours another drink, a stranger runs from the other end of the bar and offers $300 for the Frog. The guy says "It's a deal." He takes the $300 and hands over the Frog. The stranger then runs out of the bar. The bartender says to the guy, "Are you nuts? You just sold a singing Frog for $300, when it might've been worth millions!" The guy then smiled and replied, "Actually, the Hamster is also a ventriloquist."
            Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
            Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


            • Stingy
              NEW MEMBER
              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
              • Mar 2009
              • 5497

              Re: Joke thread



              • Master Of Disguise
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 16 - Sportaposter
                • Oct 2011
                • 402

                Re: Joke thread

                [quote=Glanni's Girl]
                Originally posted by "Master Of Disguise":7deee
                Christmas and trees! Christmas and treeeees ! doo do do do sh-boom
                More of an inside joke (the best kind ;) )[/quote:7deee]
                that joke was so random lol.
                Originally posted by Glanni's Girl
                A mangy looking guy...also a ventriloquist.
                Haha nice one ^^
                Originally posted by Stingy
                I don't get it what's this ?

