Exactly! And that's what I've been saying all this time. This isn't about Ireland or her careless behavior. 12-year-olds, boys and girls, often only think about themselves anyway. This is about how much can Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger hurt each other.
(On a side note, CJ, why are you down to 2 posts again?)
It's this English show or something. The pink-haired girl is supposed to turn you into a pedo or whatever.
Meh, just sounds like a scare tactic used so she won't do it again. I doubt he did anything. Parents say stuff like this all the time to their kids to scare them into thinking they might get beaten; but in reality, they don't harm the kid.
its not like american media is short for news atm, they've just had the biggest school shooting in the countries history. leave alec baldwin alone, amirite?
He never actually attacked her or anything. He's just being a parent and scolding his child. Still, no matter who you are, calling an 11 year old girl a "little pig"
is evil, even if it was an 11 year old boy.
I really do not understand the big deal about this. Some guy yelled at his child. OOOOOOO. Surely there are more important things that they could have had on the television news at that point.