*ignore the date...I just took these pics.* I got some dirt in the moving parts of my camera (the part that zooms..w/e its called) while off-roading and it got all screwed up :? .
CJ...lmao...uhm...i like my eMac. it's been great so far. i have had my beloved mac for 3 years. no problems yet :) it's my third mac and i like this one the bestest :)
LTgirl: Lmao! You wish you had my tiles don't you?!
2 questions. Why do you have an eMac? No offense, but their not very good (seeing as their school issue). Where'd you get them? I thought you could only buy them in bulk...
The eMac is no longer available as they have discontinued the G4 processor. the iMac is now the lower end AIO desktop. When it was available you were able to buy it by itself (not in bulk) for around $900. Now the lowest priced Mac is the Mac Mini at around $600 all Macs now come with a dual processor Intel chip so with the help of some extra software you can run both OSX and Microsoft Windows.