[quote=Sir Finkus]
That's the kind of thing you put on a shelf, not play a game with[/quote:e2d1e]
And that's what I've done with it.
I'll still use it (well, try it out at least) with the game, but I haven't gotten around to playing it yet.
I'm going through and finishing all the half-played files on my memory cards before starting any new ones.
And when can I expect the royalty cheque for letting you use my bit? ;)
Originally posted by "Ultra Magnus":e2d1e
And that's what I've done with it.
I'll still use it (well, try it out at least) with the game, but I haven't gotten around to playing it yet.
I'm going through and finishing all the half-played files on my memory cards before starting any new ones.
Originally posted by notoriousmdc