Need Help With WII

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  • Stevilito
    Level 21 - Poster By The Book
    • Apr 2007
    • 665


    Need Help With WII

    right i just ordered a wii for next week......finally

    and was wondering whats the best games, what do i need to do to get internet working?

    also any other info

    and if ig et internet working might have to give some of u guys some games lol

    Gimmie My Paper Bitch
  • moomoo
    Trixie's ToyBoy
    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
    • Apr 2007
    • 1338

    Good games, Wii Sports is really entertaining, especially in multiplayer. Zelda is also good of course. I personally enjoy DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2 as well, but I wouldn't get it unless you're a big DBZ fan. Haven't played any other games yet, but I hear Super Paper Mario is great and Wii Play too.

    Internet was a pain to get working to be honest(having to type in the encryption key with the onscreen keyboard), but the built-in wifi supports WEP and WPA-PSK security. Or you can buy an ethernet cable adapter. The menu is pretty self-explanatory though, and you shouldn't have much difficulty with it.

    I'm not sure if the Wii webbrowser is still free, I think it was a free download until April, so I was just in time(I posted a message in one thread here from my Wii).


    • Fredrick2003
      Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
      • May 2007
      • 58

      Its really pretty simple to set up, I guarantee you within a minute or two you will have everything working.

      Its not like there are alot of uses for Wii internet though sadly :(.


      • moomoo
        Trixie's ToyBoy
        Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
        • Apr 2007
        • 1338

        That's true. Mario Football Strikers or whatever it's called will feature online multiplayer, and apparently Smash Bros Brawl will have some kind of online functionality. But the Wii online system isn't really great for online multiplayer, what with the friend codes and everything.


        • Loreanie
          Level 13 - Purple Panther
          • Apr 2007
          • 264

          Wario Ware is a fantastic example of what your console can do. I highly recommend it. Wii Play is fantastic too since you get a free wiimote with it, so you're just paying 10 bucks for the game.

          Can't miss with Zelda, Paper Mario or Wii sports either =)


          • Zafa
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 28 - Friend For Life
            • Apr 2007
            • 1659

            Originally posted by Loreanie
            Wario Ware is a fantastic example of what your console can do. I highly recommend it. Wii Play is fantastic too since you get a free wiimote with it, so you're just paying 10 bucks for the game.

            Can't miss with Zelda, Paper Mario or Wii sports either =)
            Wario Ware is awesome, specially when you play it with friends, I recommend it too

            Loreanie! Long time no see! How you been?

            Rockband is awesome!


            • Stevilito
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 21 - Poster By The Book
              • Apr 2007
              • 665

              warioware does look good and it has many games dont it?

              we most probs just eb me though since i dont see my friends anymore

              well shuold come between 19th may and 21st so ill see how easy it is w00t

              Gimmie My Paper Bitch


              • Biggymcfinch
                GETLAZY MEMBER
                Level 9 - Energy Poster
                • Apr 2007
                • 85

                If you're into it, I suggest SSX Blur. I really like the way the controls work, and all SSX games are generally pretty good quality.
                Also, I know they're not originally for Wii, but Metal Slug anthology is great. You can use your wiimote like an arcade joystick to move... definitely one of my favourite features.
                Isn't he the good looking guy?
                Yeah, in a bad boy sort of way.


                • CarbonXe
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 11 - The Blue Knight
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 176

                  Zelda and Paper Mario are a must get. I heard SSX was cool as hell, especially the controls.


                  • Samada
                    GETLAZY MEMBER
                    Level 10 - LazyTowner
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 133

                    Zelda is a must get. If you plan on playing with friends, pick up Wario Ware. This and Wii Sports are the best party games. Rayman: Raving Rabbits is also fairly decent, showing off the remote nicely. I am planning on buying Super Paper Mario because I have everyone to date, but I heard it was ok. I heard Wii Play sucks, but you basically get the game for $10. The only game worth playing on there is tanks.

                    I don't know how much money you have though. Get Zelda for sure, and then buy a few Virtual Console Games. There are a bunch of great games on the VC, so if you don't already own a copy of those games, download them.

                    Here is a great website with the games already out on the VC, as well as a few reviews.

                    It's a great little system, but they need to start bringing more games out. Smash Bros., Mario Galaxy and Metroid are all coming soon, but not soon enough. :)


                    • moomoo
                      Trixie's ToyBoy
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 1338

                      I don't want to get Zelda because there's big spiders in it and they creep me out. Those Skulltulas are the reason I never finished OoT.

                      There's a countdown on the Smash Bros website by the way, apparently the new site will launch in 5 days. I hope the occasion is the announcing of a release date, or maybe a new character.


                      • Samada
                        GETLAZY MEMBER
                        Level 10 - LazyTowner
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 133


                        The new character for Smash Bros. is...



                        • Zokita
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 1215

                          ^Now that would be the most awesome thing ever. I'd love to see the fanboy reactions if that ever happened.

                          Personally, I'll be happy as long as Zelda and Peach return. Sonic as a secret character would also be cool.
                          I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.


                          • moomoo
                            Trixie's ToyBoy
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 1338

                            I'll never ask for anything again if they put in Krystal from the StarFox series, with her staff.


                            • Edgar
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 1254

                              Well i Dun Play Video Games Since i See Lazytown

