Here's another good idea. Someone needs to get a trenchcoat, the kind that people would fill with guns, and fill it with violent video games instead. Then they should bludgeon Jack Thompson to death with a copy of Grand Theft Auto.
...I got the coat...Also quite the load of violence stacked here, Ranging from cartoonesque violence to dismemberment
also, that ho is only 19 and she's already knocked up with two kids? OH SNAP!
welcome to earf! errr... i mean UK. Tony blaire builds a beautifully perfect socielist government which taxes people almost 30% of their income and pays for every cost of an unemployed 16 year old single mother and he still doesnt know why we have a massive problem here with teenager pregnancy. I actually know girls which go out of their way to get pregnant as quickly as possible so they never have to work. You can also imagine the sort of care they put into raising their children. I'm getting angry, im going to stop.