Hmmm... I was raised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses(left as an adult), have a mild form of Asperger's Syndrome, an IQ of 144 and suffered physical and mental abuse as a child. I am not a pompous misogynistic asshole who likes to pull out my mental dictionary to beat down those who are linguistically challenged. I refuse to thrust some loquacious diatribe on an unsuspecting, nay, unwilling audience only as a form of intellectual masturbation.
Yeah I can do in too Mr. Tedi[o]us Zanarukando. Grow up and get a life. No one cares if Ceasar is pronounced see-zer or Ky-zer, so get over yourself.
Yeah I can do in too Mr. Tedi[o]us Zanarukando. Grow up and get a life. No one cares if Ceasar is pronounced see-zer or Ky-zer, so get over yourself.