Not bad at all man GJ FOR YOU! You really got her nice shoes down man. You even got her eyebrows right! lol, she kinda looks Asian eh (lol, Zafa) but her figure is not perfect. That's some tight shiet...make a Robbie and Sportacus oh PIXEL TOO PIXEL!!!!
Yeah I was gonna ask too, what program is that? I've seen some CG LT on youtube but it didn't look anything like this. I don't think it is poser though...looks too.....cartoony ish
That's so awesome!! I think it kinda looks more like Shelby Young Stephanie... but mainly 'cause of the eyes. But that is really sweet! I'm gonna need to learn how to do 3D work like that for school...
As far as her appearance goes, I suggest darkening the irises and maybe desaturating them a little, and adding the pink jelly bracelets on her right arm.
I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.