At first I thought this story was science fiction or some kind of joke, but there's some really weird science in the world.
Apparently, back in 1994, the Air Force considered ending wars with a 'gay bomb'. This bomb would inspire feelings of sexual attraction in the soldiers, and they'd focus more on having sex than killing each other. Or something along those lines.
This is really creepy stuff. I wonder if they're going to try making a 'straight bomb' next?
I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.
it won't be (to me at least) if someone posts dudes making out.
Just for you... a link to an infamous mega-picspammage of some slashy pics ;P from various fandoms, you might've already seen it before but eh ;P It was last updated in March? I think.. Standard picspam warnings apply- and definitely not good for dialup, hehe...