Congressional Bill Seeks To Make Bible Verses Hate Speech

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  • CmdrLuke
    Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
    • May 2007
    • 783


    Congressional Bill Seeks To Make Bible Verses Hate Speech

    Copied from another forum:
    "A bill in Congress makes it a crime for pastors and churches to speak against homosexuality

    Message to pastors and other Christians: Just keep your mouth shut

    If pastors and other Christians don’t aggressively oppose a bill now in Congress, in the near future they will be subject to huge fines and prison terms if they say anything negative about homosexuality.

    The proposed law would make it a crime to preach on Romans Chapter 1 or I Corinthians Chapter 6. Or even to discuss them in a Sunday School class. If churches and individuals want to keep the government from telling them what they can and cannot preach and teach about homosexuality, they better get involved now!

    House bill H.R. 1592 and Senate bill S. 1105 would make negative statements concerning homosexuality, such as calling the practice of homosexuality a sin from the pulpit, a “hate crime” punishable by law. This dangerous legislation would take away your freedom of speech and your freedom of religion. Consider what has already happened:

    A California lawsuit which is headed to the U.S. Supreme Court would make the use of the words “natural family,” “marriage” and “union of a man and a woman” a “hate speech” crime in government workplaces. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has already ruled in favor of the plaintiffs!

    CNN and The Washington Post both reported that General Peter Pace, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was fired because he publicly expressed moral opposition to homosexual behavior."
    dont drink whats under the sink
  • LTgirl
    Level 18 - Wizard Of GetLazy
    • Apr 2007
    • 521

    oh boy. stuff like this always bothers me. i guess mostly because i can see both sides. my best friend is gay. she is the best person in the world to me. she's the most loving and wonderful woman i know, yet some people would hate her simply because of her sexuality.

    but on the other hand, i think that pastors have a right to believe what they want and preach what they believe in...

    i think if people would be opposed to hearing certain things in Church, (for or against homosexuality) then perhaps they not go or at the very least, find another way to worship each Sunday.

    Things like this are always hot button issues for many reasons. ..Firstly, it involves religion, and secondly, it involves homosexuality. Both of those topics have been the source of many a heated debate and i am sure have likely divided people for many years.
    Some dreams do come true.


    • CmdrLuke
      Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
      • May 2007
      • 783

      Originally posted by LTgirl
      oh boy. stuff like this always bothers me. i guess mostly because i can see both sides. my best friend is gay. she is the best person in the world to me. she's the most loving and wonderful woman i know, yet some people would hate her simply because of her sexuality.
      LTgirl, this is a good post, I see how you feel. Though I have been raised in a Christian home, I can see how this should be taken into account.

      Originally posted by LTgirl
      but on the other hand, i think that pastors have a right to believe what they want and preach what they believe in...

      i think if people would be opposed to hearing certain things in Church, (for or against homosexuality) then perhaps they not go or at the very least, find another way to worship each Sunday.
      dont drink whats under the sink


      • Zafa
        Level 28 - Friend For Life
        • Apr 2007
        • 1659

        lol gay marriage is such a touchy subject, same with abortion and um... Global Warming???

        Rockband is awesome!


        • Sir Finkus
          Level 19 - Secret Friend
          • Apr 2007
          • 574

          WTF is this hate speech anyways? Suddenly its illegal to say somethign hateful?


          Amendment I

          Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
          When did that get overturned? Must've missed that in the newspaper...
          What Would Julianna Do (if she read your post)


          • Vespasian
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
            • Apr 2007
            • 1242

            If the congregation doesn't like it, they can find themselves a new faith.


            • CarbonXe
              GETLAZY MEMBER
              Level 11 - The Blue Knight
              • Apr 2007
              • 176



              • Zafa
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 28 - Friend For Life
                • Apr 2007
                • 1659

                hmm, OH MY FSM!!!!!

                In the FSM there isn't a stance on Gay Marriage, so no one can get mad

                Rockband is awesome!


                • Ultra Magnus
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 29 - Villain Number One
                  • May 2007
                  • 2039

                  Originally posted by CJVercetti
                  Make an option for "I don't give a shit" perhaps...
                  Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
                  GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.


                  • DSK
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 15 - The Baby Troll
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 365

                    Jeez, they're really smashing down the walls of "separation of church and state" aren't they...

                    I'm very pro gay rights, so homophobic behavior bothers me a lot. But telling a religion what they can't believe in is... backwards? If a religion wants to say homosexuality is wrong, well that's their belief. So I say, what ideally should happen is the fundamentalists need to learn to shush already and be respectful! They can believe what they want, but also be smart about it. Children, play nice! But that's just me being a dreamer...

                    ...RAmen, Zafa. RAmen. ;)


                    • Vespasian
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 1242

                      Originally posted by DSK
                      Jeez, they're really smashing down the walls of "separation of church and state" aren't they...

                      I'm very pro gay rights, so homophobic behavior bothers me a lot. But telling a religion what they can't believe in is... backwards? If a religion wants to say homosexuality is wrong, well that's their belief. So I say, what ideally should happen is the fundamentalists need to learn to shush already and be respectful! They can believe what they want, but also be smart about it. Children, play nice! But that's just me being a dreamer...
                      I agree, some Christians need to remember Matthew 7:1


                      • Ultra Magnus
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 29 - Villain Number One
                        • May 2007
                        • 2039

                        Originally posted by Zafa
                        hmm, OH MY FSM!!!!!

                        In the FSM there isn't a stance on Gay Marriage, so no one can get mad
                        Originally posted by DSK
                        ...RAmen, Zafa. RAmen. ;)
                        Haha. I didn't even notice that first time around.
                        Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
                        GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.


                        • Zokita
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 1215

                          If we can't engage in hate speech against certain races, why should we be allowed to speak hatefully about gays? I'm all for gay rights, and the part of the bible that says homosexuality is a sin isn't even followed by most Christians.

                          I quit Christianity because a pastor at my grandma's church made a hate speech against homosexuals, but I guess I can let them believe what they want.
                          I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.


                          • Mosheddy
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 750

                            what the hell is FSM safa?

                            Anyway, I think its common sense to have any form of hate mongering silenced because its just not productive, although I'm sick of government poking their nose into religious teachings on the basis of their opinion of morality. Religious teaching is the best thing we have to a human moral standard and the more the government decides it can do a better job, the more doors it will open to other "sinful" acts.

                            PS, marriage is not a human right, its a man made religious constitution, now torn apart and a government constitution. Already in many places around the world, the law has been bent by gay rights campaigners who have pushed for gay marriage laws, for the purpose of changing public opinion about their lifestyle. And religion is made to look the bad guy for just trying to teach morality? If anyone wants to express tolerance, now would be a good time to understand why religious people would be angry over this.
                            PLEASE KNOCK I'M TAKING A POWER NAP


                            • CmdrLuke
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
                              • May 2007
                              • 783

                              Originally posted by Mosheddy
                              what the hell is FSM safa?

                              Anyway, I think its common sense to have any form of hate mongering silenced because its just not productive, although I'm sick of government poking their nose into religious teachings on the basis of their opinion of morality. Religious teaching is the best thing we have to a human moral standard and the more the government decides it can do a better job, the more doors it will open to other "sinful" acts.

                              PS, marriage is not a human right, its a man made religious constitution, now torn apart and a government constitution. Already in many places around the world, the law has been bent by gay rights campaigners who have pushed for gay marriage laws, for the purpose of changing public opinion about their lifestyle. And religion is made to look the bad guy for just trying to teach morality? If anyone wants to express tolerance, now would be a good time to understand why religious people would be angry over this.
                              Great post Mosheddy. And FSM is the Flying Spagetti Monster Religion.
                              dont drink whats under the sink

