Can't we just go back to watching movies and being happy? Why can't we sit back and enjoy quality products such as Hip-Hop Homeroom Math?
Transformers Trailer
Originally posted by ooozminCan't we just go back to watching movies and being happy? Why can't we sit back and enjoy quality products such as Hip-Hop Homeroom Math?
Rockband is awesome!- Translate
Originally posted by CJVercettiOriginally posted by ooozminCan't we just go back to watching movies and being happy? Why can't we sit back and enjoy quality products such as Hip-Hop Homeroom Math?
Rockband is awesome!- Translate
Originally posted by ZafaOriginally posted by CJVercettiOriginally posted by ooozminCan't we just go back to watching movies and being happy? Why can't we sit back and enjoy quality products such as Hip-Hop Homeroom Math?PLEASE KNOCK I'M TAKING A POWER NAP- Translate
Originally posted by DSKEeee, I loved Beast Wars. And I went back and started to rewatch it, and those graphics used to be so kickass when I was a little kid XD Omg yay Silverbolt<3<3Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!- Translate
Originally posted by CJVercettiOriginally posted by ooozminOriginally posted by DSKEeee, I loved Beast Wars. And I went back and started to rewatch it, and those graphics used to be so kickass when I was a little kid XD Omg yay Silverbolt<3<3
Beast Machines Lazy's #1 fugitive!- Translate
Originally posted by CJVercettiGah, torrents. I'll need to open my portsGet Lazy's #1 fugitive!- Translate
Originally posted by Mosheddya franchise that you don't even care about and has been dead for years apart from its toys
G1 (Hasbro/Takara/comics) - 1984-1991
Beast Wars/BWII/Neo/Machines - 1996-2000
Robots in Disguise - 2000-2001
Armada/Energon/Cybertron - 2002-2006
Dreamwave/IDW comics - 2002-present
Michael Bay movie - 2007
TF: Animated - 2008
This movie is just another part of the continuing franchise.
The problem lies in the fact that, because it's got such a huge budget, a director that enjoys making mindless, soul-less action schlock full of clichés, and is being created and marketed towards the action movie audience, it has more potential for failure, and further to fall.
The only time the franchise was inactive (apart from the toys) was between '91 and '96, but it was still far from "dead".
Granted, Energon & Cybertron are shite, but pretty much all of the rest of them kick some serious arse.Originally posted by Julianna Rose OfficialGetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.- Translate
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