When I first saw the name of this thread, I thought it was going to be about Pitfall. But yeah, Road Rash is a pretty fun game, especially for how old it is. I had it on emulator on my PC. They did re-release it on GBA a few years back.
Syphon Filter is the best game ever shut up n00b! <= Jawesome Graphics
I must agree with him, that game is ****ing jawesome. Especially the level where ur stuck in the train station when it's on fire and that guy comes running at you on fire hahahahahahaha!
Syphon Filter is the best game ever shut up n00b! <= Jawesome Graphics
First of all, its a completely different era from the games listed above and have like 10+ years more retro quality rating than syphon penis has.
Secondly, other games from its time like Zelda, Goldeneye and Blast Corps blow it out of the water. Hell, even snowboard kids and yoshis story were better.
Hell, even snowboard kids and yoshis story were better.
Deep in my heart I'll probably be a Nintendo and Mario games fanboy forever (gee, is that a surprise?), but Yoshi's Story wasn't better than anything :o(
Hell, even snowboard kids and yoshis story were better.
Deep in my heart I'll probably be a Nintendo and Mario games fanboy forever (gee, is that a surprise?), but Yoshi's Story wasn't better than anything :o(
Man some of you guys are such haters seriously, you have to argue about EVERYTHING and diss EVERYTHING that you don't like or anything that you don't agree with.
Snowboard Kids was ****ing awesome
Syphon Filter was cool, but it suffered on the PSX hardware. That, and 2 and 3 were gay as AIDS. I think they made a new one or something, Omega Strike? The world may never know.
Yoshi's Story was fun for like 10 minutes.