I hate liberalism as its full of hypocrisy and people only looking to defend their own agendas. I also have grown to hate people who consider themselves "moderates" as these are just usually people who hate political discussion on a whole and who don't really have any opinions(or balls) at all. I understand that there are extreme circumstances where, for example, a woman has been raped and does not want to keep a baby conceived this way but in order for me to stay true to my non-hypocrital, non-moderate mindset, I'm going to have to say that I disagree with abortion in all circumstances. I also disagree with capital punishment :)
I don't have too many thoughts on this subject. Just, I think women should have the option available, but I personally feel it's wrong and could never do it if ever in the situation. But not all women are going to feel the same as me, so that's their life choice to make.
I don't have too many thoughts on this subject. Just, I think women should have the option available, but I personally feel it's wrong and could never do it if ever in the situation. But not all women are going to feel the same as me, so that's their life choice to make.
And I can really respect that. I never ever ever want to be pregnant, so in the event that I ever have sex (and I probably won't, I'm pretty much asexual) I will take every precaution possible, and if I still get pregnant, I might get desperate enough to abort (if it's still legal by then, that is, since the USA is moving in a very anti-choice direction).
Personally, I think that women should have the right to control what's in their bodies. I think the adoption system is flawed and not the idealistic option that pro-lifers make it out to be, and consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy and carrying the baby to term. Also, people shouldn't legislate their personal (and controversial) morality on others.
I understand this thread is more aimed towards jokes and extreme sarcasm, but I want to make my actual thoughts clear.
I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.