What I think about gays? I have no opinion really, since I'm not gay, it doesn't have to do with me lol
Sort of like a religion or cult I'm not part of really. I don't go out of my way to insult them though.
The FSM doesn't have a stance on gays, so no one gets mad
Does the FSM have a stance on anything besides a lack of Pirates causing Global Warming?
Exactly, just be a descent human being, doesn't matter who or what you do
The Eight "I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts"
1. I'd really rather you didn't act like a sanctimonious holier-than-thou ass when describing my noodly goodness. If some people don't believe in me, that's okay. Really, I'm not that vain. Besides, this isn't about them so don't change the subject.
2. I'd really rather you didn't use my existence as a means to oppress, subjugate, punish, eviscerate, and/or, you know, be mean to others. I don't require sacrifices, and purity is for drinking water, not people.
3. I'd really rather you didn't judge people for the way they look, or how they dress, or the way they talk, or, well, just play nice, Okay? Oh, and get this into your thick heads: woman = person. man = person. Samey = Samey. One is not better than the other, unless we're talking about fashion and I'm sorry, but I gave that to women and some guys who know the difference between teal and fuchsia.
4. I'd really rather you didn't indulge in conduct that offends yourself, or your willing, consenting partner of legal age AND mental maturity. As for anyone who might object, I think the expression is go f*** yourself, unless they find that offensive in which case they can turn off the TV for once and go for a walk for a change.
5. I'd really rather you didn't challenge the bigoted, misogynistic, hateful ideas of others on an empty stomach. Eat, then go after the b*******.
6. I'd really rather you didn't build multi million-dollar churches/temples/mosques/shrines to my noodly goodness when the money could be better spent (take your pick):
1. Ending poverty
2. Curing diseases
3. Living in peace, loving with passion, and lowering the cost of cable
I might be a complex-carbohydrate omniscient being, but I enjoy the simple things in life. I ought to know. I AM the creator.
7. I'd really rather you didn't go around telling people I talk to you. You're not that interesting. Get over yourself. And I told you to love your fellow man, can't you take a hint?
8. I'd really rather you didn't do unto others as you would have them do unto you if you are into, um, stuff that uses a lot of leather/lubricant/Las Vegas. If the other person is into it, however (pursuant to #4), then have at it, take pictures, and for the love of Mike, wear a CONDOM! Honestly, it's a piece of rubber. If I didn't want it to feel good when you did it I would have added spikes, or something.
What I think about gays? I have no opinion really, since I'm not gay, it doesn't have to do with me lol
Sort of like a religion or cult I'm not part of really. I don't go out of my way to insult them though.
The FSM doesn't have a stance on gays, so no one gets mad
Does the FSM have a stance on anything besides a lack of Pirates causing Global Warming?
Exactly, just be a descent human being, doesn't matter who or what you do
The Eight "I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts"
1. I'd really rather you didn't act like a sanctimonious holier-than-thou ass when describing my noodly goodness. If some people don't believe in me, that's okay. Really, I'm not that vain. Besides, this isn't about them so don't change the subject.
2. I'd really rather you didn't use my existence as a means to oppress, subjugate, punish, eviscerate, and/or, you know, be mean to others. I don't require sacrifices, and purity is for drinking water, not people.
3. I'd really rather you didn't judge people for the way they look, or how they dress, or the way they talk, or, well, just play nice, Okay? Oh, and get this into your thick heads: woman = person. man = person. Samey = Samey. One is not better than the other, unless we're talking about fashion and I'm sorry, but I gave that to women and some guys who know the difference between teal and fuchsia.
4. I'd really rather you didn't indulge in conduct that offends yourself, or your willing, consenting partner of legal age AND mental maturity. As for anyone who might object, I think the expression is go f*** yourself, unless they find that offensive in which case they can turn off the TV for once and go for a walk for a change.
5. I'd really rather you didn't challenge the bigoted, misogynistic, hateful ideas of others on an empty stomach. Eat, then go after the b*******.
6. I'd really rather you didn't build multi million-dollar churches/temples/mosques/shrines to my noodly goodness when the money could be better spent (take your pick):
1. Ending poverty
2. Curing diseases
3. Living in peace, loving with passion, and lowering the cost of cable
I might be a complex-carbohydrate omniscient being, but I enjoy the simple things in life. I ought to know. I AM the creator.
7. I'd really rather you didn't go around telling people I talk to you. You're not that interesting. Get over yourself. And I told you to love your fellow man, can't you take a hint?
8. I'd really rather you didn't do unto others as you would have them do unto you if you are into, um, stuff that uses a lot of leather/lubricant/Las Vegas. If the other person is into it, however (pursuant to #4), then have at it, take pictures, and for the love of Mike, wear a CONDOM! Honestly, it's a piece of rubber. If I didn't want it to feel good when you did it I would have added spikes, or something.[/quote:d2d18]
FSM needs to learn how to command his peasants or maybe grow some real balls out of those useless lumps of meat he has hanging around there. I'm glad its a FAKE religion and not an irl religion where people DIE for what they beleive in
just curious...how does everyone feel about gay people?
About half my friends are gay, and the other half straight (most with small kids now). It really makes no difference to us, we're all really good friends. But we're in our 30's. I think some of my gay friends struggled with their identities when they were in their teens and 20's.
Sydney is also a tolerant place regarding homosexuality. I'd hate to think what a homosexual person would go through in a small Australian country town, or anywhere in the US 'bible belt'.
just curious...how does everyone feel about gay people?
About half my friends are gay, and the other half straight (most with small kids now). It really makes no difference to us, we're all really good friends. But we're in our 30's. I think some of my gay friends struggled with their identities when they were in their teens and 20's.
Sydney is also a tolerant place regarding homosexuality. I'd hate to think what a homosexual person would go through in a small Australian country town, or anywhere in the US 'bible belt'.
I have absolutely no problem with it. I know a few, and they'd be happy if people would just accept them for who they are. I did a research paper for school about the arguments for and against gay rights, and concluded that giving them equal rights wouldn't harm anyone. Except those Bible Belt purists.
I'm just waiting for the day, now...
I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.