He's English, he grew up with Monty Python, Fry & Laurie, The Young Ones, and more recently Spaced, Black Books, The Day Today/BrassEye, the list goes on.
Quite frankly, nothing can compare.
If only this movie was available in Sweden... I have no idea why it isn't. :(
The title UHF means "Ultra High Frequency" for those interested in trivia.
Originally posted by Wiki
UHF and VHF are the most commonly used frequency bands for transmission of television signals. Modern mobile phones also transmit and receive within the UHF spectrum. UHF is widely used by public service agencies for two-way radio communication, usually using narrowband frequency modulation, but digital services are on the rise. There has traditionally been very little radio broadcasting in this band until recently; see digital audio broadcasting for details. The Global Positioning System also uses UHF.
Ahh, UHF. I couldn't find that DVD around these parts, so I had to go out of town to get it. It was worth it, though...seeing the animal show guy throw poodles out the window brought back memories (of watching the movie itself, not throwing dogs out a window).