Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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  • Ponycat
    Level 14 - Sportscandy
    • Jun 2007
    • 314

    Originally posted by Xizer

    When I'm 40 I plan to be snorting coke off hookers' asses by the pool at the top of my 100-story tower.
    But what if the hookers were Harry Potter fans ?


    • Victoria
      Owner of GetLazy
      Level 28 - Friend For Life
      • Apr 2007
      • 1922

      Originally posted by Ponycat
      Originally posted by Xizer

      When I'm 40 I plan to be snorting coke off hookers' asses by the pool at the top of my 100-story tower.
      But what if the hookers were Harry Potter fans ?
      Then I would put on my robe and wizard hat...


      • ooozmin
        Former moderator
        Level 29 - Villain Number One
        • May 2007
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        4 CJ
        Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!


        • cicley_has_aids
          Level 9 - Energy Poster
          • Jun 2007
          • 82

          This movie was shit!!!!!!!!

          The rest are aren't so bad.

          The only good Harry Potter movie was number 2 imo.


          • CmdrLuke
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
            • May 2007
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            Originally posted by cicley_has_aids
            This movie was shit!!!!!!!!

            The rest are aren't so bad.

            The only good Harry Potter movie was number 2 imo.
            Argree'd, the rest are awful compared to 2.
            dont drink whats under the sink


            • SportaDork07
              GETLAZY MEMBER
              Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
              • Apr 2007
              • 70

              I have loved all the HP books and movies, including this movie and Deathly Hallows book. My cousin said that Goblet of Fire movie was the worst, and almost didn't see Order of the Pheonix, but ended up going. She said that it was pretty good. Not great, but definitely better than GoF.
              I am a SportaDork!


              • Mosheddy
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
                • Apr 2007
                • 750

                the only reason all the book nreds hated goblet of fire is cause they had to cut so much of the film out. Same thing happened with order of the pheonix movie. Book nerds just need to understand that the rest of us dont want to sit through a 4 hour bore festof additional character interaction that happens in the books. We just want to see dragons and wizard battles!


                • Edgar
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                  • Apr 2007
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                  • Edgar
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 1254

                    Originally posted by CJVercetti
                    Edgar has a crush on Evanna Lynch
                    So that's her name, hmm intresting.


                    • Edgar
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 1254

                      Originally posted by CJVercetti
                      Originally posted by SportaEdgar
                      Originally posted by CJVercetti
                      Edgar has a crush on Evanna Lynch
                      So that's her name, hmm intresting.
                      Indeed it is old friend.

                      thanks, ;)


                      • Ponycat
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 14 - Sportscandy
                        • Jun 2007
                        • 314

                        Careful there Edgar, Julianna might get jealous....


                        • moomoo
                          Trixie's ToyBoy
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 1338

                          I'm not saying I wouldn't hit that Luna chick, bot Tonks was definitely the hotter new character.


                          • cicley_has_aids
                            GETLAZY MEMBER
                            Level 9 - Energy Poster
                            • Jun 2007
                            • 82

                            eddy, the movies are boring and poorly made. get over it

                            moomoo, tonks was hot, I think her hair was pink briefly. maybe thats just wishful thinking mixing with memories


                            • ChemKneazle
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 17 - Ghost Stopper
                              • Jul 2007
                              • 451

                              Originally posted by cicley_has_aids
                              I think her hair was pink briefly. maybe thats just wishful thinking mixing with memories
                              It was. Right after they took Harry out of the Dursleys' house and Mad Eye Moody called her "Nymphadora". She looked at him, her hair changed pink (or maybe red), and said, "DON'T CALL ME NYMPHADORA!"
                              "Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only believes in the element of surprise."

                              Originally posted by CJVercetti
                              LazyTown90 (7:18:26 PM): This morning I had diariahaahahaa and I still went to school
                              LazyTown90 (7:18:39 PM): that's when you laugh and shit at the same time btw


                              • SimbiAni
                                GETLAZY MEMBER
                                Level 11 - The Blue Knight
                                • May 2007
                                • 197

                                Originally posted by Mosheddy
                                the only reason all the book nreds hated goblet of fire is cause they had to cut so much of the film out. Same thing happened with order of the pheonix movie. Book nerds just need to understand that the rest of us dont want to sit through a 4 hour bore festof additional character interaction that happens in the books. We just want to see dragons and wizard battles!
                                Not directed at you or anything, but mostly what you said- This is why a lot of movies are so annoying to the fans, they are being made to mainly cater to the shallow audiences. I'm not a "book nerd" in the sense that you implied (obsessed with book canon to the point of hating movies for differing) and I didnt hate GoF, but yes it is frustrating for the REAL fans to have their movies and their only chance of seeing these chars come to life / in 3D / on the bigscreen / etc, be dumbed down for the general masses. And the movies should not be made to please "the rest of you" who consider four hours of movieness to be a "borefest". Sadly for the real fans, we're stuck with the unappreciative ppl having the ultimate influence. Oy. (Of course, that is ignoring the instances where the books themselves have sucky times / entire chapters... I live mostly for the cute moments, and in longer movies, there's more room for them, because then the movie isnt only focused on speeding thru the cliffnotes of the overall story)

                                And yea, I'm a movie dork, and I think the longer, the better! ;P (okay, depending on the movie(s)...) I even own the extended editions (all around 12hrs total) of Lord Of The Rings, and love them! (As for those books, eh, they were just okay... hehe)

                                :: twitter.com/SimbiAni :: simbiani.deviantart.com :: ?MiLENA? ::

