Well I'm off

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  • moomoo
    Trixie's ToyBoy
    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
    • Apr 2007
    • 1338

    I though it was called lembas, not lumbas?

    Also, I didn't cry, but I went 'nooooo' When Lupin and Tonks were dead.


    • Zokita
      Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
      • Apr 2007
      • 1215

      Originally posted by Vespasian
      Originally posted by Mosheddy
      So cicley, what was it like living in your car for 2 days? Did you have a supply of lumbas bread and bertie botts every flavor beans? Did you cry when fred weasley died? My sister did. I beat her for being so pathetic.
      More people needed to die, that's what I thought.

      Loads more.

      I was surprised that none of the core DA members (Harry/Ron/Hermione/Ginny/Neville/Luna) died. Aside from Colin, all the deaths were adults. None of Harry's close peers were offed. Honestly, I think 'Rocks fall, everyone dies!' would have been a more satisfying epilogue.
      I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.


      • moomoo
        Trixie's ToyBoy
        Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
        • Apr 2007
        • 1338

        Originally posted by Zokita
        Aside from Colin, all the deaths were adults.
        Well, it said that like 50 people died, I think. It just doesn't name every single one of them. Most of them would have been students, I imagine. I recall one girl being bitten by that werewolf guy.


        • nindanjoe
          Former Moderator
          Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
          • Apr 2007
          • 1497

          Originally posted by Xizer
          nindanjoe quit being a tard and read the ****ing books and then you'll know god damn it
          I can't anymore, everything has been spoiled for me!
          *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


          • ChemKneazle
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 17 - Ghost Stopper
            • Jul 2007
            • 451

            Originally posted by nindanjoe
            Originally posted by Xizer
            nindanjoe quit being a tard and read the ****ing books and then you'll know god damn it
            I can't anymore, everything has been spoiled for me!
            I disagree, nindan! You should read them anyhow! There's so much more in the books that you don't get from silly debates you read or stupid spoilers you've heard! PLEASE, nindan, read Harry Potter! Because you're worth it! ;)
            "Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only believes in the element of surprise."

            Originally posted by CJVercetti
            LazyTown90 (7:18:26 PM): This morning I had diariahaahahaa and I still went to school
            LazyTown90 (7:18:39 PM): that's when you laugh and shit at the same time btw


            • Zokita
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
              • Apr 2007
              • 1215

              Yeah, go ahead and read it.

              I did. I had all the deaths and a few miscellaneous plot points spoiled for me, but is literally impossible for someone to spoil every single thing that is remotely interesting about the book in a laundry list of spoilers. If you tried to spoil every plot point, the list would be almost as long as the book itself. There's some intense stuff in there that even I didn't have spoiled.

              Just do yourself a favor and ignore the epilogue. It reads like Jo let her daughter write it, and it doesn't really address the fates of most of the characters. The only good to come of it is the new AS/S ship.
              I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.


              • ChemKneazle
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 17 - Ghost Stopper
                • Jul 2007
                • 451

                Originally posted by Zokita
                Yeah, go ahead and read it.

                I did. I had all the deaths and a few miscellaneous plot points spoiled for me, but is literally impossible for someone to spoil every single thing that is remotely interesting about the book in a laundry list of spoilers. If you tried to spoil every plot point, the list would be almost as long as the book itself. There's some intense stuff in there that even I didn't have spoiled.

                Just do yourself a favor and ignore the epilogue. It reads like Jo let her daughter write it, and it doesn't really address the fates of most of the characters. The only good to come of it is the new AS/S ship.
                LoL...ASS ship! *Snort*

                No but seriously, I agree completely. There's no way all the books can be completely spoiled for you! There's so much left in the tone of the text that you'll still be able to appreciate.
                "Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only believes in the element of surprise."

                Originally posted by CJVercetti
                LazyTown90 (7:18:26 PM): This morning I had diariahaahahaa and I still went to school
                LazyTown90 (7:18:39 PM): that's when you laugh and shit at the same time btw


                • nindanjoe
                  Former Moderator
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 1497

                  Hmm, I'll think about it. One thing I like to do with a good book is get an attachment with the characters. So that if they do die, I want to be able to feel it. If I know ahead of time, I probably won't care at all. I also have spoilers stuck in my head for a long time so they stick with me while reading or watching something. As a result, I can't enjoy whatever it is until I forget it. Like with Samurai 7, I watched the anime first before watching the movie it was based off of Seven Samurai. All I could think about was the anime while watching the movie.
                  *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


                  • SportaDork07
                    GETLAZY MEMBER
                    Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 70

                    Like a week before the book came out, someone announced on the radio or TV that they had read book 7 and told everyone watching/listening that Harry died. I read the book and it turns out not to be true exactly. Which is why I never believe spoilers until I read the book or watch the movie myself.
                    I am a SportaDork!


                    • Zokita
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 1215

                      Yes, but these were definitely real, no way around it. They had scanned all 759 pages of the entire book. As a convenient bonus feature, they made cheatsheets with scan snippets of all the major spoilers highlighted so they could be posted efficiently.

                      There were also accurate text-only laundry lists of spoilers posted without the scans to back them up. I ran into thousands of those during the week before, mostly unintentionally in topics that had nothing to do with Harry Potter.

                      They just ruined my first reading of the book, that's all. If I'd been smart like Cicley and managed to avoid spoilers, my reaction to the death of a character might've been "OMG NOOO NOT _______!" and I might've cried. It would've hit me hard.

                      Thanks to spoilers, my reaction was just "Oh. ______ died. Gee, I wondered when this was coming." The spoilers have reduced my tissue consumption by twenty-five percent, I should be grateful. That's an extra dollar I didn't have to spend this week.
                      I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.


                      • ChemKneazle
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 17 - Ghost Stopper
                        • Jul 2007
                        • 451

                        Originally posted by Zokita
                        The spoilers have reduced my tissue consumption by twenty-five percent, I should be grateful. That's an extra dollar I didn't have to spend this week.
                        Definitely quotable! I LoL'd @ this. Zokita, you must be a college one.
                        "Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only believes in the element of surprise."

                        Originally posted by CJVercetti
                        LazyTown90 (7:18:26 PM): This morning I had diariahaahahaa and I still went to school
                        LazyTown90 (7:18:39 PM): that's when you laugh and shit at the same time btw


                        • Mosheddy
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 750

                          Originally posted by Zokita
                          The spoilers have reduced my tissue consumption by twenty-five percent, I should be grateful. That's an extra dollar I didn't have to spend this week.
                          you could have saved even more if you had just downloaded it online!
                          PLEASE KNOCK I'M TAKING A POWER NAP

