Binman banned from wearing St George's Cross bandana

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  • Stevilito
    Level 21 - Poster By The Book
    • Apr 2007
    • 665


    Binman banned from wearing St George's Cross bandana

    PENDLE Council has banned one of its employees from wearing a St George's Cross bandana.

    The ban, which Pendle Council states is a "company rule", came to light when Waste Refuse Operative Matthew Carter was pictured wearing the bandana on a photograph featured in this newspaper.

    Mr Carter said he received a verbal warning having been told complaints were made about the bandana, stating that it could be offensive and racist, despite the fact he had worn it for seven months previous to our recycling report in May.

    Mr Carter, who has worked for the council for five years, and other employees of Operational Services, said they only knew about the ban when Mr Carter was told not to wear his signature bandana.

    However, Pendle Council says its employees know the rules regarding uniform. Ian McInery, Pendle Council's Operational Services Manager, said: "Matt knows that cleansing staff have a uniform and there are clear rules about what they can wear.

    "We've made it clear to staff that they are not allowed to put stickers or flags on bin wagons or wear clothing which shows support for a particular team, group or country."

    Mr Carter, who moved to Burnley in 1999 from his home country of Barbados, said he had not been told he could not wear his favourite headwear until he was pictured in this newspaper.

    "I always used to wear the
    bandana and no one had ever said anything to me about it until complaints were made after it went in the paper.

    "I received a verbal warning and was told that the St George's Cross was not allowed to be seen on any clothing we wear because it could be considered offensive and racist. I still need to wear a bandana, I'm wearing a skull and crossbones one now, to keep my hair back and away from the machine I'm working with or else it could be dangerous."

    Pendle Council added: "Matt is one of the many hard-working people who work for Pendle Council. He makes a difference, out in our towns and neighbourhoods, keeping our streets and pavements clean.

    "We can't make one rule for one person and one for another. The uniform helps to make it clear to Pendle people who our workers are when they are out and about - it's just a common sense approach that we are sticking to."

    Source - ... ionID=9338

    just go's to show what our goverment and stuff are like lol, i hate how we treat foreigners in our contry, it if was a pakistani waering a pakistani bandanna there would be no problem

    ACTUALLY my fave english tapper sway wears an english bandanna on his album cover and a few songs and he is black and nothing has come of it hmmmmmmmmm double standards i say lol

    Gimmie My Paper Bitch
  • Stevilito
    Level 21 - Poster By The Book
    • Apr 2007
    • 665

    trashman i think yanks call it

    anyway its what robbie was in trash day

    Gimmie My Paper Bitch


    • Luigi12
      Level 12 - Lazy Scout
      • Jun 2007
      • 210

      Originally posted by CJVercetti
      Garbage Collector is the P.C. term
      Props to any computer geeks that see the humor in this.


      • moomoo
        Trixie's ToyBoy
        Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
        • Apr 2007
        • 1338

        Oh man, Xizer's gonna be pised when he sees this topique.


        • ooozmin
          Former moderator
          Level 29 - Villain Number One
          • May 2007
          • 2445

          Originally posted by CJVercetti
          Originally posted by Stevilito
          trashman i think yanks call it

          anyway its what robbie was in trash day
          Garbage Collector is the P.C. term, but I gotcha.
          Actually it is "Sanitational Engineer" haha
          Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!


          • Mosheddy
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
            • Apr 2007
            • 750

            well, you see, here in britain, you are allowed to be proud of absolutely anything other than being british.


            • kelly
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 19 - Secret Friend
              • Apr 2007
              • 599

              But it says right there in the article you copy-pasted that the garbo in question isn't English, he's from Barbados. I can't get to the original article, as the link appears to be broken.

              Also, national flags can and do get used as racist symbols, and I do think for that reason we need to be careful where they're displayed outside of official contexts -- which is entirely the fault of the racist bastards who use being 'proud' of being Aussie/English/American as an excuse to pick on recent immigrants, usually non-white and/or ESL, for not behaving as if they've lived there all their lives and/or suggest the borders should be closed even to genuine asylum seekers, yet don't usually have any problem with people from those other rich, white English-speaking countries moving to theirs.


              • Jared
                GETLAZY MEMBER
                Level 7 - Lazy Poster
                • Jun 2007
                • 49

                I don geddit?

                Seeing as how I am a Yank (Although I would tell you I am Deutsch, if you asked me), I was confused as to what St. George's Cross is. So I consulted the source I always do when I have no idea; Wikipedia. It doesn't say anything negative in there, and usually if things (Like the word 'spaz') have a negative connotation, it's pretty good about including that. So what gives? Why is this flag so un-PC?
                It's a piece of cake to bake pretty cake!!1!


                • ooozmin
                  Former moderator
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 29 - Villain Number One
                  • May 2007
                  • 2445

                  Re: Binman banned from wearing St George's Cross bandana

                  Originally posted by Stevilito
         if was a pakistani waering a pakistani bandanna there would be no problem...
                  Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!


                  • Ponycat
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 14 - Sportscandy
                    • Jun 2007
                    • 314

                    Perhaps the issue isn't that he is of 'foreign extraction', but that he is working as a bin-man. Maybe there's some whacky law about the flag not being allowed to get dirty ? I know in Australia it is illegal to rest the flag on the ground, but that doesn't seem to bother the people who have 'Australian flag' beach towels.


                    • Ultra Magnus
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 29 - Villain Number One
                      • May 2007
                      • 2039

                      Originally posted by Ponycat
                      Maybe there's some whacky law about the flag not being allowed to get dirty ?
                      Nah, it's nothing like that.

                      It's just our government being complete doucheniks, and the lower levels are the worst offenders.
                      It's just an attempt to be shown to be pro-active, to be seen as caring about racism, no matter how ridiculous it is.

                      It's strange how many St. George crosses are sold and displayed during every world cup, european cup, olympics and whatnot.

                      And I agree that they wouldn't dare say anything if it was the flag of a "minority" for fear of bad press.
                      Even if the guy wore a Barbados...ian flag, he probably would be allowed to.

                      But no, if you wear the flag of the country you are in, you're racist.

                      Hell, you're probably more likely to get sacked for not wearing the stars and stripes in the US.
                      Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
                      GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.


                      • Ponycat
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 14 - Sportscandy
                        • Jun 2007
                        • 314

                        That's so sad.
                        I lived in York as a kid, and all of my family (and my husband's family) are in England. I haven't been back to visit since 1986, and I don't want to go because I have this image of what England is like in my mind, and I know if I went back it wouldn't be like that anymore :( It sounds like the whole racism thing has got really out of hand.
                        And there's another foot and mouth outbreak, that is so sad.

