TeamSpeak Adventures: cicley gets drunk

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  • Victoria
    Owner of GetLazy
    Level 28 - Friend For Life
    • Apr 2007
    • 1922

    TeamSpeak Adventures: cicley gets drunk

  • Zafa
    Level 28 - Friend For Life
    • Apr 2007
    • 1659

    lmao, seems like only the cool stuff happens when I'm not there

    Chem tell me the truth, whos funnier Zafa or Drunk cicley?

    How the **** am I suppose to compete with that?

    I was waiting for a rant about me or Asian Stephanie, but I didn't hear it

    When I get back from work, I will make a remix of my fav parts and make it a song

    I joined a fight club club


    • Mosheddy
      Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
      • Apr 2007
      • 750

      oh dear. i got some of this on aim the other day. cicley swore me to secrecy though not to post it on getlazy =X


      • Mosheddy
        Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
        • Apr 2007
        • 750

        "ok i gotta make sure nobodys recording this, ok so..."



        • Mosheddy
          Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
          • Apr 2007
          • 750

          Originally posted by AIM
          casmosheddy: are you on drugs?
          cicleyclassic: NO U
          cicleyclassic: WHY
          casmosheddy: youre typing in caps
          cicleyclassic: PENIS
          cicleyclassic: k
          cicleyclassic: happy
          casmosheddy: and your pupils are dilated
          cicleyclassic: you ruined my fun
          cicleyclassic: dumb brits and your ideas
          casmosheddy: do you like emo music?
          cicleyclassic: no
          casmosheddy: song to listen to while you stare at julianna
          casmosheddy: my sister got some hello kitty body spray for her birthday. she doesnt want it so she gave it to me
          cicleyclassic: k
          casmosheddy: perfect to spray on the lolis chained in my basement
          cicleyclassic: Im tired eddy
          casmosheddy: tired of living?
          cicleyclassic: tired of LTers
          cicleyclassic: I like maybe
          cicleyclassic: three people anymore
          casmosheddy: i blame teamspeak
          casmosheddy: well are you thinking of me when youre putting on your makeup darlin'? dying your hair like you do. well you're wasting your time if you're trying to impress me, i waste all my time just thinking of you
          cicleyclassic: k
          casmosheddy: this song is amazing. i listed it in the songs that remind you of julianna thread
          casmosheddy: hahaha someone commented on it!
          casmosheddy: "wow Mosheddy " Brand New - Me Vs. Maradona Vs. Elvis ", that's kinda creepy... kinda really creepy."
          cicleyclassic: sigh
          casmosheddy: you like it?
          cicleyclassic: just started it
          cicleyclassic: dont know yet
          cicleyclassic: wait
          cicleyclassic: I cant talk to you
          cicleyclassic: you'll post it on GL
          casmosheddy: whats wrong?
          casmosheddy: when do i post about AIM on getlazy?
          casmosheddy: so, what do you think?
          cicleyclassic: good song
          casmosheddy: reminds me of julianna
          casmosheddy: almost like an expression of my desire to have her but really revealing the futility of my obsession
          casmosheddy: know what i mean?
          casmosheddy: listen
          cicleyclassic: ha
          cicleyclassic: good song
          cicleyclassic: song(s)
          casmosheddy: feeling better?
          cicleyclassic: no
          cicleyclassic: I feel fine
          cicleyclassic: just annoyed
          casmosheddy: about?
          cicleyclassic: you guys
          cicleyclassic: and your love of Julianna
          cicleyclassic: and the fact everyone is a bunch of losers
          cicleyclassic: no offense
          cicleyclassic: you're cool tho
          cicleyclassic: in your way
          cicleyclassic: uh
          casmosheddy: you have some sort of superior claim on julianna over us?
          cicleyclassic: no not at all
          cicleyclassic: I'm just
          casmosheddy: you think that your manner on the forums and on AIM reflects anything on the way julianna thinks of you?
          cicleyclassic: no
          casmosheddy: then why are we such losers? i dont understand
          cicleyclassic: it's too hard to put into words
          cicleyclassic: you aren't losers
          cicleyclassic: just obsessed
          cicleyclassic: as am I
          cicleyclassic: and I don't like that in myself
          cicleyclassic: so
          cicleyclassic: I hate and love you guys
          cicleyclassic: ****
          cicleyclassic: this is hard to explain in text
          casmosheddy: sounds pretty simple to me
          cicleyclassic: it's only simple if you understand
          casmosheddy: you see your obsession as a sign of weakness?
          cicleyclassic: yeah
          cicleyclassic: I resent it
          cicleyclassic: and resent you all too cause you are the same way
          cicleyclassic: but
          cicleyclassic: at the same time
          cicleyclassic: well, you know
          casmosheddy: you hate us for what you hate in yourself, yet we validate what you also love and give you an outlet to express yourself
          cicleyclassic: pretty much
          cicleyclassic: I didn't want to say it that way
          cicleyclassic: but yeah
          casmosheddy: whats weak about liking julianna? you never felt this way about any of the girls youve been with?


          • Ultra Magnus
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 29 - Villain Number One
            • May 2007
            • 2039

            Is voicechat usually this tedious?


            • Zokita
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
              • Apr 2007
              • 1215

              All of this happens at impossible hours of the night, when people in the USA are asleep, right? That sucks.

              But thanks for snagging that recording, that was amazing.


              • ChemKneazle
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 17 - Ghost Stopper
                • Jul 2007
                • 451

                Originally posted by Zafa
                lmao, seems like only the cool stuff happens when I'm not there

                Chem tell me the truth, whos funnier Zafa or Drunk cicley?

                How the **** am I suppose to compete with that?
                ...ZAFA YOU'RE BOTH MY FAVORITES!!!!!!!!!!!! I <3 U!!!!!!!!!!

                And WHY TF do you ever leave when cicley's around? LoL.

                <3 <3 <3 <-- 4 U

                Also, ****!


                • Mr_Gazpacho
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                  • Jul 2007
                  • 823

                  Why's no one on at the moment?
                  Damn, it's 8:14 pm! Everyone's gone to sleep. :(

                  No, really, where are you guys? Hiding in the irc chat?


                  • ChemKneazle
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 17 - Ghost Stopper
                    • Jul 2007
                    • 451

                    Originally posted by Mr_Gazpacho
                    Why's no one on at the moment?
                    Damn, it's 8:14 pm! Everyone's gone to sleep. :(

                    No, really, where are you guys? Hiding in the irc chat?
                    Uhhh....more like hiding in shame? Just kidding...sort of...LoL, I'm about to go to the gym so I won't be on 'till later so if you can be on your time? I think more will be on then.


                    • Mr_Gazpacho
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                      • Jul 2007
                      • 823

                      Originally posted by ChemKneazle
                      Originally posted by Mr_Gazpacho
                      Why's no one on at the moment?
                      Damn, it's 8:14 pm! Everyone's gone to sleep. :(

                      No, really, where are you guys? Hiding in the irc chat?
                      Uhhh....more like hiding in shame? Just kidding...sort of...LoL, I'm about to go to the gym so I won't be on 'till later so if you can be on your time? I think more will be on then.
                      Awesome, I don't have to show up for work until 11:50 am CET. :)

                      ... :|

                      What's this sleep thing you speak of? :(


                      • ooozmin
                        Former moderator
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 29 - Villain Number One
                        • May 2007
                        • 2441

                        oh, so this is what happened eh hahaha


                        • Zokita
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 1215

                          He was there for a little while last night, but nothing exciting happened. Except Chem finally viewed all of Zafa's YTMNDs.


                          • Zafa
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 28 - Friend For Life
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 1659

                            cicley's Drunken Booznight hoedown Remix


                            Don't mind the name of the link


                            • Zokita
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 1215

                              Originally posted by CJVercetti
                              Was a new user account really necessary?
                              It always is for cicley. If I'm counting correctly, I think this is his fourth.

