Originally posted by boredjedi
Lazytown inspiring adults ?
Originally posted by notoriousmdcOriginally posted by boredjediOriginally posted by CJVercettiOriginally posted by boredjediOriginally posted by CJVercettiDude! You're in NYC? Aw, lucky bastard you're close to Juli :(
Also, Yankees FTW.
Rockband is awesome!Comment
1) Robbie's classification as a villain. It might be my comic book upbringing, but to me a villain is always planning death and mass destruction. When you read that Robbie is a villain, you automatically think of him as this evil person, when he's really not. He just doesn't like those kids being so ****ing noisy all the time, which is understandable I guess. He's more like the "old grandpa neighbor" of the show, if you want to put it that way. He's also way too funny and likable to be considered a real villain.
I've always been active and outgoing, so LazyTown hasn't really affected me in that sense. It is a shame to see it not be as popular her in America where kids could really use this type of message. In fact, in the first episode, I can relate to Stephanie directly, because sometimes, one of my friends in particular wants to do nothing but play video games, and lurk the chans.Comment
Originally posted by TarpLTI've always been active and outgoing, so LazyTown hasn't really affected me in that sense. It is a shame to see it not be as popular her in America where kids could really use this type of message. In fact, in the first episode, I can relate to Stephanie directly, because sometimes, one of my friends in particular wants to do nothing but play video games, and lurk the chans.Comment