Framtíðarreikningur is superb tab pay lip service to parental and aðra sympathiser knock up whom wish insure fjárhagslegt security them into tomorrow. To snuggle up to be able to peaky segmental into economy þarf barnið snuggle up to own Framtíðarreikning with Shimmer.;st) piggybank is tæmdur or lagt in river Framtíðarreikninginn * fást við Latóseðlar Lató ) whom slowly is snuggle up to use to snuggle up to buy fullt af with wholesome and nice vörum. * snuggle up to minimum kr.
Framtíðarreikningur is superb tab pay lip service to parental and aðra sympathiser knock up whom wish insure fjárhagslegt security them into tomorrow. To snuggle up to be able to peaky segmental into economy þarf barnið snuggle up to own Framtíðarreikning with Shimmer.;st) piggybank is tæmdur or lagt in river Framtíðarreikninginn * fást við Latóseðlar Lató ) whom slowly is snuggle up to use to snuggle up to buy fullt af with wholesome and nice vörum. * snuggle up to minimum kr.
Framtíðarreikningur is superb tab pay lip service to parental and aðra sympathiser knock up whom wish insure fjárhagslegt security them into tomorrow. To snuggle up to be able to peaky segmental into economy þarf barnið snuggle up to own Framtíðarreikning with Shimmer.;st) piggybank is tæmdur or lagt in river Framtíðarreikninginn * fást við Latóseðlar Lató ) whom slowly is snuggle up to use to snuggle up to buy fullt af with wholesome and nice vörum. * snuggle up to minimum kr.
WTF? :? :? :?
Yeah wtf exactly, read it though it's hillarious! ...lip service to parental and...knock up whom wish them into tomorrow. To snuggle up to be able to peaky segmental into economy...snuggle up to own...whom slowly is snuggle up to use to snuggle up to buy fullt af with wholesome and nice vörum. * snuggle up to minimum kr.
I have an Icelandic contact on Facebook who I might be able to pester for a translation, if you're still keen to know what it says. Failing that, I can get out my piddly little dictionary
Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !
I've tried putting Icelandic stuff thru that translator before, and no matter what it is, it ALWAYS comes back with multitudes of "snuggle ups".... must be all the cold weather they have :/
I have an Icelandic contact on Facebook who I might be able to pester for a translation, if you're still keen to know what it says. Failing that, I can get out my piddly little dictionary
you go and do that please? go and ask your icelandic friend.
Have done, and Snorri was remarkably quick to reply.
"Framtíðarreikningur er frábær reikningur fyrir foreldra og aðra velunnara barna sem vilja tryggja fjárhagslegt öryggi þeirra í framtíðinni. Til að geta tekið þátt í hagkerfinu þarf barnið að eiga Framtíðarreikning hjá Glitni. Þegar sparibaukinn er tæmdur eða lagt inn á Framtíðarreikninginn* fást 10 Latóseðlar (1000 Lató) sem hægt er að nota til að kaupa fullt af hollum og skemmtilegum vörum."
"A Future Account is a fantastic account for parents and other well-wishers of kids who want to ensure their financial safety in the future. To be able to participate in the economy the child needs to have a Future Account with Glitnir. When the piggy bank is emptied or deposited into the Future Account you get 10 Lató-bills (1000 Lató) which you can use to buy loads of healthy and fun merchandise."
In Snorri's words: It's basically a bank tie-in to the Lazy Town concept - kids have an account with bank; kids deposit money into bank; kids get fake paper Lazytown money for which they can buy healthy things at shops.
Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !