UK DVD 6 - Once Upon a Time (5/5 Done) (XviD and x264 rips)

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  • nindanjoe
    Former Moderator
    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
    • Apr 2007
    • 1497


    UK DVD 6 - Once Upon a Time (5/5 Done) (XviD and x264 rips)

    I'm either too lazy or in a hurry to post these encodes. I'll probably make a separate topic in the future, assuming I'm here that is. I'll separate the encodes by codec type, XviD and x264. The filesizes are around 390 MB for XviD and around 250 MB for the x264 ones. If you're not sure which one to get, I recommend the XviD encodes. x264 is very computer intensive. Well, encodes first, then explanation:

    XviD Encodes:

    E49 Once Upon a Time
    e49_once_uk_xvid.rar (395.13 MB)**************/?d=SWFAH5GS

    E19 Prince Stingy
    e19_prince_uk_xvid.rar (397.98 MB)**************/?d=3JJ8ZXJY

    E51 Dancing Dreams
    e51_dancing_uk_xvid.rar (388.09 MB)**************/?d=QX6H9F7R

    E39 Haunted Castle
    e39_haunted_ukd_xvid.rar (396.92 MB)**************/?d=4OLEHO67

    E48 The Lazy Genie
    e48_genie_ukd_xvid.rar (397.59 MB)**************/?d=8PPNY3N4

    Bonus - Music video clips from the episodes:

    uk6_musics_xvid.rar (127.23 MB)**************/?d=WO66O430
    x264 Encodes:

    E49 Once Upon a Time (US audio thanks to kelly and ponycat) ... 651e26a396

    E19 Prince Stingy
    (US audio from US DVD release) ... e1af953931

    E51 Dancing Dreams
    (US audio thanks to Edis) ... 06c4fb899a

    E39 Haunted Castle (US audio thanks to Simbiani) ... 100ec62a53

    E48 The Lazy Genie (US audio thanks to Edis) [Update (17 Dec 2008): Part 1 is missing, thanks for the update DarkEdem. Please request this encode if you want it.] ... 6b91bcfc04

    Bonus - Music video clips from the episodes: ... b75f1d0a23
    Password (if it asks for one): myub6krdvd69m3c

    These encodes have both the US and UK audio tracks. The US one is first and the UK second. Thanks to AVI-Mux you can see that when choosing. The x264 encodes are a little different now, these will be MP4 files. They are also compatible with both XBMC and the PS3. Xbox 360 should work too, but I don't currently have that. I have the AC3 files for the UK tracks if anyone in interested in making MKVs out of them (Prince Stingy has a US AC3 track). Alternatively, you can download the XviD encodes to get the AC3 files, but it might be easier to request them.

    A note about Prince Stingy, the ending credits music extends beyond the episode. I did not cut or edit the track, just delayed it with delaycut. Well, that's it. I hope you enjoy these encodes. I will be working on the last two episodes this week or next week. With the Australian DVDs coming out, I soon won't have to do anymore audio mixing. :)

    Technical information:
    The UK track had about a 480 ms delay when matched with the encode. It was a big pain to find that delay amount, thankfully the Find Audio Delay AviSynth script helps a lot. There are a lot of holes in some of the US audio. Once Upon a Time was timed well, but the other ones had commercials that cut into the show. Not the fault of Edis, rather it is the fault of the broadcasters. It used to happen with the kids' shows in the US.

    I've decided to give Mediafire a try again. They finally established a paying system and appear to be more organized. There is still a free option which is still good, but they implemented a similar system to where you just have to login every xx days and the files will stay up. Hopefully, this means no more random deletions. We'll see in the long run.

    EDIT (13 Oct 2008): Last 2 episodes uploaded along with the music video clips straight from the episodes.
    EDIT (14 Oct 2008): Scans of the DVD cover and contents for this DVD below.
    EDIT (2 Nov 2008): Added link to subtitles files (SRT) below.

    LazyTown_UKDVD6_Scans.rar (1.85 MB)

    UKDVD6_Subs.rar (196.94 KB)
    *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic
  • Ultra Magnus
    Level 29 - Villain Number One
    • May 2007
    • 2039

    Re: UK DVD 6 - Once Upon a Time (3/5 Done) (XviD and x264 rips)

    Excellent stuff.
    Thanks muchly Dr. Joe.

    Any chance of getting the other two eps?
    Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
    GetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.


    • ForGreatJustin
      Former Moderator
      Level 28 - Friend For Life
      • Apr 2007
      • 1877

      Re: UK DVD 6 - Once Upon a Time (3/5 Done) (XviD and x264 rips)

      downloading dancing dreams now.



      • boredjedi
        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
        • Jun 2007
        • 7350

        Re: UK DVD 6 - Once Upon a Time (3/5 Done) (XviD and x264 rips)

        Thanks for the once upon a time eppy. My collection is getting bigger and bigger. Still very lacking in episodes. Great episode too even includes a animated segment which I hadn't a clue about.


        • Vyser
          Level 12 - Lazy Scout
          • Oct 2007
          • 239

          Re: UK DVD 6 - Once Upon a Time (3/5 Done) (XviD and x264 rips)

          Thanks for the good work


          • nindanjoe
            Former Moderator
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
            • Apr 2007
            • 1497

            Re: UK DVD 6 - Once Upon a Time (5/5 Done) (XviD and x264 rips)

            Thanks! Glad you guys liked the encodes!

            Several months later, the last 2 episodes from the 6th UK DVD are uploaded. Sorry it took so long, things got ahead of me for a bit, but I'm starting to catch up on stuff. I'll probably disappear again soonish, but I'll be back at irregular times.
            *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


            • Robbie Rottens
              GETLAZY MEMBER
              Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
              • Oct 2010
              • 26

              Re: UK DVD 6 - Once Upon a Time (5/5 Done) (XviD and x264 rips)

              (thread necromancy!)
              Do you still take requests? If so I would request Part 1 of the x264 rip of The Lazy Genie since its missing.

              [sucking mode on]I like your rips thus far. You did a really good job. :) [/sucking mode off]
              Robbie Rotten? is the tool used to give even the strongest of men hardcore boners of epic that can pierce through the heavens. God bless that wonderful man.


              • nindanjoe
                Former Moderator
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                • Apr 2007
                • 1497

                Re: UK DVD 6 - Once Upon a Time (5/5 Done) (XviD and x264 rips)

                Originally posted by Robbie Rottens
                (thread necromancy!)
                Do you still take requests? If so I would request Part 1 of the x264 rip of The Lazy Genie since its missing.

                [sucking mode on]I like your rips thus far. You did a really good job. :) [/sucking mode off]
                Yep, I still do request whenever I notice them. Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, when I finish uploading the part 1 and 2 RAR archives, I just delete them. So I'll re-upload the full x264 version of The Lazy Genie to like Megaupload or something. I should get a chance to upload it soon-ish; next week at the latest.

                I'm glad you like the rips. :)
                *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


                • Robbie Rottens
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
                  • Oct 2010
                  • 26

                  Re: UK DVD 6 - Once Upon a Time (5/5 Done) (XviD and x264 rips)

                  Well if you still take requests... ive been downloading just about all you're x264 rips (because I want the best possible quality) and I found several videos with parts missing or with broken links.
                  I could compile a list but I must warn you, you're not going to like me.
                  Robbie Rotten? is the tool used to give even the strongest of men hardcore boners of epic that can pierce through the heavens. God bless that wonderful man.


                  • nindanjoe
                    Former Moderator
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 1497

                    Re: UK DVD 6 - Once Upon a Time (5/5 Done) (XviD and x264 rips)

                    Here's the re-upload of the x264 version of E48 The Lazy Genie:

                    LazyTown.E48.The.Lazy.Genie.WS-Anamorphic.DVDRIP.(x264.dual.en-us-uk).mp4 (256 MB)
                    Main link:**************/?d=NGE3V2DS
                    Alternate link:
                    MD5 Checksum:
                    0d9d04f4fdaec4846b97711d4c351225 *LazyTown.E48.The.Lazy.Genie.WS-Anamorphic.DVDRIP.(x264.dual.en-us-uk).mp4
                    Originally posted by Robbie Rottens
                    Well if you still take requests... ive been downloading just about all you're x264 rips (because I want the best possible quality) and I found several videos with parts missing or with broken links.
                    I could compile a list but I must warn you, you're not going to like me.
                    When thinking about a big list my first thought was . Then I remembered 2 people in the past saying some links were down and they requested an upload of them. However, they never provided a list or said which links were down. I asked them to make a list, but they never did. I was hoping to see them put some more effort in their request which would help me help them in the process. It's possible one of them was actually away from the forum for a few weeks, but the other was actually posting in other topics the same week I asked them for a list.

                    Anyway, I'm still taking requests, and I appreciate that you would put together a list. :) I'll probably upload them at a slow pace, but this will be helpful in the episode organization project I've been slowly picking at. Mainly, those season sections made by Edis.
                    *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


                    • Robbie Rottens
                      GETLAZY MEMBER
                      Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 26

                      Re: UK DVD 6 - Once Upon a Time (5/5 Done) (XviD and x264 rips)

                      Thanks for the re-upload.
                      I will compile the list soon (dont have much free time right now) in the pick a episode thread.

                      I may have exaggerated about being a big list but there are several videos that are down.
                      Robbie Rotten? is the tool used to give even the strongest of men hardcore boners of epic that can pierce through the heavens. God bless that wonderful man.

