How to Download/Capture Streaming Media with Jaksta

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  • nindanjoe
    Former Moderator
    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
    • Apr 2007
    • 1497


    How to Download/Capture Streaming Media with Jaksta

    Jaksta is a new program I ended up testing, I forgot how I heard about it, which can download streaming WMV, RM, and FLV files! I used to have to use 3 different programs for each format, Jaksta can do all of those formats!

    Here is the post order for this topic:

    Post 1: Introduction and Quick Tutorial with a few test sites
    Post 2: Minor troubleshooting with more websites to test out.
    Post 3: Extra information plus other discussion points.

    First, we want to see if this program works on your computer! A quick step-by-step guide:

    1) Go to, download the demo version, and install the program. Remember that there are restrictions for the demo version, you can't download the entire stream.
    2) After installing, open up Jaksta and Start recording. It should ask you after it starts.
    3) If you have a website in mind already, then give it a try. If not, here are some sites to try out:
    Streaming FLV:
    Streaming WMV:
    Streaming Real Media:
    If your tests all work out, feel free to buy this program. I normally had to use 3 programs to get the different formats. Jaksta does them all! If I had to buy the 3 programs, I would have to spend:

    Replay AV $49.95 + Replay Media Catcher $39.95 + WM Recorder $49.95 = $139.85 USD

    With Jaksta it's just $29.95.

    If your demo tests didn't work out, go on to post 2. Or go to post 2 for more information anyway. :)
    *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic
  • nindanjoe
    Former Moderator
    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
    • Apr 2007
    • 1497

    Re: How to Download/Capture Streaming Media with Jaksta

    Sometimes Jaksta doesn't see the stream, or any stream downloading program. Closing both Jaksta and the internet browser usually helps. So save your links, or just paste them into Notepad or something, then close both programs. After that, open up Jaksta again and start recording, then go to the website you're trying to capture and try recording again.

    If it doesn't work, then there's a chance the stream is actually encrypted! More info here: ... -RTMPE.htm ... cation.htm

    The Hulu and MTV sites use the encrypted protocol. I haven't tried Googling to see if someone cracked it.

    Here are some more websites to test out:
    Streaming FLV:
    Streaming RealMedia:
    *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


    • nindanjoe
      Former Moderator
      Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
      • Apr 2007
      • 1497

      Re: How to Download/Capture Streaming Media with Jaksta

      If you're not going to buy the program, you can get a crack for it unlocking the full version. I can't really condone this since it is a good program, but I pirated it myself. =P I might buy it one day.

      You do this at your own risk, I am not responsible if your computer has a massive failure. Always make backups of your precious data! That being said, my computer didn't blow up. So only do this if you know what you're doing.

      Here's where you can find a crack, I recommend using the demo version to install at the official website just to be safe. Even though the MD5 checksums match for the one in the download and the official one.

      Jaksta Streaming Media Recorder and Converter 3.1
      Follow the instructions found in the text file except for the blocking part. You'll need the following information for that.

      Once you crack it, you have to block the program from accessing these web addresses:
      Code:, Port 80, Port 80
      If you don't block it, the program will send the info to the official website and then they will know it's a fake license.

      I know of two general methods of blocking those web addresses: the firewall method and the HOSTS file method.

      First Method, Firewall blocking
      People have their own firewalls, so you will have to look up how to block those two websites. I recommend this method. I might be able to help with this method, but you'll tell me what your firewall is. There's a chance your firewall will not allow you to block individual websites.

      Second Method, HOSTS file
      Go here for more information about the HOSTS file:

      Then add these two entries:

      Major disadvantage for this is you can't visit to get updates unless you remove that entry. So don't forget that if you choose this method.

      That's it for this little guide. If you have questions, comments, or better methods, then feel free to post a reply. I also don't want to clutter up the forum, so I'll also make this topic a general Q&A on what I know. It's possible my information is outdated, but I might be able to help anyway. I've seen that pooky actually knows a lot more than I do about some of these things, so I think she should be able to help further your knowledge of this stuff.

      Here's what I know:
      a) I'm an amateur at using Aegisub. A subtitle utility. An example of my subtitling skills can be found here: . If you have some questions, I might be able to link you to some guides.

      b) I have a general idea on how to get stuff from websites, like flash stuff. I also have an idea on how to extract the goodies inside. Here's an example of my very old work of that: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=572

      c) I'm an amateur encoder, I don't know any scripting languages so I'm only ok at using Avisynth.

      d) I have a general idea on how to deal with the FLV format, like how to extract, playback, or re-encode the content inside using freeware. People usually have their own methods for that.

      So if you have any questions on those 3 points above, go ahead and ask! Please note that it does take time to learn all of this.
      *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


      • boredjedi
        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
        • Jun 2007
        • 7350

        Re: How to Download/Capture Streaming Media with Jaksta

        This tutorial is better than streaming zombies. Thanks nindan.

