And yeah, agreed--haven't heard it since the year I moved here to Baltimore...she wasn't hugely popular here, nor were the Spice Girls at the time. But I was a huge fan anyway. Now I sort of roll my eyes at her music. It's okay, but not my style anymore...
Still know all the words after all these years lol.
Now I sort of roll my eyes at her music. It's okay, but not my style anymore...
Funny. I used to roll my eyes at it, now I sorta like it haha. Not my all time fav, but I can dig it
I have been searching high and low for this album for awhile now. The reason as to why it is so utterly impossible to find is because it's an unreleased album. However, today I went on a streak of searching and I am basically on the last step before impossibility. I have contacted the admin at, someone with the actual CD, and the composer of the music for any insight as to where to go to find a CD, or if they would send me a soft copy that I would be willing to pay for. If this doesn't work, I don't know what else to do. I don't have my hopes incredibly high, but if I do get anything I will share it with you guys. I know we have a few bubblegum fans here right?
On the plus side, I did find someone selling their single release of their song "Pata pata". It's listed for 60 bucks, but I have brought him down to 30 and I think I will buy.'s still expensive...but I think I will regret not buying it if I don't. This could be my only chance in ever.
Oh, and if you're thinking what I'm thinking, back off. I called it.
PLEASE tell me how you did that. There are 2 rare cds I REALLY want, and if I buy them both for the price they're at now it will be over £100!
You can start by calling him or her a bitch. If that doesn't work, send nudes for a discount.
Nah but really, just use supply and demand in your favor. The supply is obviously low. If the demand is high, then there is nothing you can really do about it. If the demand is low, then negotiation is possible. If the seller has had the item rotting someone in a back closet for ages because it's such a strange item that nobody wants, you have a very high chance of getting them to significantly lower their price.
Start off with a message telling them that you're interested in buying, but it's too expensive. Do not ask if they are open to negotiation, just tell them your price. Start off low and work up from there, if necessary. Try to call their bluffs/make your own. I.E. At the end of the conversation the price is still too high for you, you can attempt to back out to see if they will change their mind, although this is a very risky move.
I haven't heard back from the composer, but so far I have no reason to suspect that I am being ignored.
I haven't heard back from the guy who has a few poor quality songs on YouTube, but he is definately ignoring me.
I heard back from the admin at who said this
Originally posted by Mitch
Hi Chris,
Unfortunately, the Blue Monster album is unavailable anywhere. Even I don't own a copy.
You probably have the leaked digital copy, but that is the only copy of Blue Monster's unreleased album that is available.
A copy of the album was only released to a few people for promotional purposes. I know someone who has a copy of the album (he sent me the photos), but he is the only person in the world who I know has one.
All the best
I am unsure if he has a digital copy or not. He didn't really make that clear. However, I replied telling him that if he does indeed have it, that I would be willing to pay for the "service of a file transfer." I am also unsure if the guy who he knows has it, is the same as the guy that I know.
The guy that I know that I just mentioned is the guy selling me the Pata Pata single (which I will be buying on Wednesday when my PayPal money transfer clears) is still in contact with me, but I am holding off on asking him the potentially morally questionable question of payment for the "service of a file transfer" until we complete our first transaction. I do remain optimistic though, as one thing he said to me was "music is always better shared."
In the meantime, here are 6/13 poor quality songs off of their album. I gave them as much pseudo-quality as possible, but it didn't to much. For the time being, this is all I can give you.