Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
Re: Miley Cyrus - Who Owns My Heart (European Single)
Originally posted by Stingy
Originally posted by Locard
Be scared of a music video is just pathetic.
I dunno. This music video always sort of scared me
[youtube]sRYNYb30nxU[/youtube] Scared me by the amount of epic that is.
Thats diferent. How someone can be scared of a video because Miley is underwear in some parts? Is just a music video, no real life. She is a full artist so she can make videos like this and being a Disney girl. Mileys 17, 18 next month. let her have fun for god's sake. She can't stay young and sweet forever. Other disney starts have done worse things like 'Miranda' From lizzie McGuire had drugs Orlando Brown from thats so raven got in jail? etc. And yet you guys complain at miley for having fun? >:
This is a good video. Miley pwns Selena and Demi together.
And Agus. Why did you said that you loved the video and was amazing and the ignorants are the ones that comment shit about the video and here you say that she looks like whore in some parts.. Hyprocrital Much
Re: Miley Cyrus - Who Owns My Heart (European Single)
Originally posted by Locard
Originally posted by Stingy
Originally posted by Locard
Be scared of a music video is just pathetic.
I dunno. This music video always sort of scared me
[youtube]sRYNYb30nxU[/youtube] Scared me by the amount of epic that is.
Thats diferent. How someone can be scared of a video because Miley is underwear in some parts? Is just a music video, no real life. She is a full artist so she can make videos like this and being a Disney girl. Mileys 17, 18 next month. let her have fun for god's sake. She can't stay young and sweet forever. Other disney starts have done worse things like 'Miranda' From lizzie McGuire had drugs Orlando Brown from thats so raven got in jail? etc. And yet you guys complain at miley for having fun? >:
This is a good video. Miley pwns Selena and Demi together.
And Agus. Why did you said that you loved the video and was amazing and the ignorants are the ones that comment shit about the video and here you say that she looks like whore in some parts.. Hyprocrital Much
Yes, I loved it. But just in SOME shots I didn't like it, of course I still think the haters should **** off. Nothing in my opinion has changed at all.
Re: Miley Cyrus - Who Owns My Heart (European Single)
Originally posted by Locard
Originally posted by hlazytownero
some shots make her looks like a... desperate whore.
That was rude.
Obviously you missed the whole point here, don't you?
Originally posted by Locard
... How someone can be scared of a video because Miley is underwear in some parts? Is just a music video, no real life... This is a good video.
And Agus. Why did you said that you loved the video and was amazing and the ignorants are the ones that comment shit about the video and here you say that she looks like whore in some parts.. Hyprocrital Much
1. Miley is a great artist, for sure, and like one she is followed by millions of people. You're right about her artistic skills: she has right to do whatever she wants with her artistic career and having fun as part of that process. That is a valid thing.
However, many people, specially kids, will imitate her behavior and here is the problem with that video: SHE IS A ROLE MODEL, no matter what you or I think about it: it's a fact.
When I wrote "she looks like a desperate whore" is because that was the main impression this video left on me (and in many other people too). I wasn't talking about Miley like person, I was talking about how that video makes Miley seem (take a look on my first words when I opened this topic). I like Miley and I think she has a greater artistic future (not represented by this video).
2. The song is catchy (as Stingy and I have said) and in many parts of the video Miley looks very great. However, there were other parts of that video where Miley's image is really forgettable because they haven't any artist value (from the point of view of a -- still-- Disney star and the kind of message it brings for kids). To admit this reality (like Agusxx2 and I said before) is not an hypocritical opinion, FYI, it's the acknowledge of facts without any blind fanaticism.
In short, you can express your opinion but keep for yourself all those personalized insults (they are the worst resources to use): insulting other artists or people here in defending your point is not such a good idea. In fact, that kind of action, normally, ends up reinforcing the opposite point and speaks very bad about you.
Re: Miley Cyrus - Who Owns My Heart (European Single)
Originally posted by pooky
Originally posted by Locard
Haters Gonna Hate
I don't know who invented this saying but it's the same as drivers gonna drive, walkers gonna walk, writers gonna write, readers gonna read, suckers gonna suck, lovers gonna love. That's just fact because if they stop doing what they're doing you can't call them what they did. So this saying adds absolutely nothing to a conversation.
I love a lot that Miley does, just not this video because, like a lot of people say, she has so much young kids fans. For them she is a role model and she has to give a good example. Acting like a slut doesn't really contribute.
Don't try uploading it to Youtube because it's gonna be blocked everywhere.
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
Re: Miley Cyrus - Who Owns My Heart (European Single)
He tries to be funny but it works the opposite way for me...blehg (it must be an american thing )
Anyway I agree, I don't think Miley's video makes sense.
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.