A comment in this video got me thinking.
The way that they make it seem like she's real by talking to him comforting telling that she can help him is sad.
When you realize, that it's just a company trying to sell their product. Riping away the feeling that someone who actually cares about them and wants them to feel better exists
When you realize, that it's just a company trying to sell their product. Riping away the feeling that someone who actually cares about them and wants them to feel better exists
Yes what if the AI just starts out that way. A product to be sold. Starts out as a blank slate and the company gives it a rudimentary starting point.
Like a newborn. Or maybe even more sophisticated in development. You purchase that AI as your companion and as
it is exposed to you, becomes something like a Joi. She did not act like an assembly line product
in the end. What if that quantum AI became an unforeseen/unrealized quantum consciousness.
Technically speaking, we are all a manufactured product. A product of whatever deity one believes in.
Humans and Quantum AI Machines sharing that same base quantum consciousness.
Would it still be considered a machine at that point.