Why put energy in that when it's already on the net ;)
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
Place: Big, frozen (at winter - to -40 -50 Celsius) ,forestry country (and we sell our forest to any, who have money, like an oil). Located from North pole to not-pole. Very big. (Captain Oblivious lol)
Our people maybe: Russian (minimum of that kind lives in Moscow - at most 40%), and not Russian (HUGE multi-national layer), and our gov-ernment (sounds like "gov-no or govno" [ru] - means "shit") love so much not-Russians - mostly criminal... Genocide (holocaust?), but who cares.
Moscow: yes, of course you heard about it, big strange (capital) city. Also - one of the most expensive city... ON THE EARTH! yes, it's true.
Also we have so big prices for any goods.
( for ex. in my town - one "flat-room"(one room in hostel) cost like 1.000.000rubles (33.000$) ...)
I live: in stupid small village (okay in town, because 1m people in town), where everywhere standing fountains and palm trees (yes PALMS! in Siberia! but only summer and in barrels) - this is great idea of our crazy (yes, crazy like ivans) mayor.
Also we building metro... last 10 (at least TEN) years. Not build yet. But we started lol [facepalm]
Live there: something like a live in random-machine (something like a time-machine but creates random situations every time - it's only example) - You never know what will happen tomorrow. Criminals,thefts,corruption,poverty,maniacs... So you playing in Fallout? That like our country now. Mostly. Of course without radiation (I think so...).
Welcome to da non-soviet Russia comrade
Originally posted by Patriotic tale:
Nature: we have one. That are GREAT (means big and awesome)! Snow forest, or green, fields with grass, flowers... It's perfect! Really!
Also we find(or not find :( ) the mushrooms in the forests. Have you? ;)
Food: No, we don't eat turnip. Potatoes, cabbages, cucumbers,tomatoes etc - vegetables. Also we grow "good stuff" - these vegetables on (if potatoes) our fields or garden beds. Also we have "brown tommy" - tasty black bread. Really yummy! :)
Most of our farmers/agriculture are beggar but not all.
Language: it's damned Cyrillic. Why damned? Because code-pages - it's always wrong, it's always give us gibberish. Okay not always - but OFTEN! That was minus. But that - our fully exclusive letters, and that was plus.
Total = 0 Also like others.
Now about our language - not more harder than any... I sure! They => know it
Also maybe you know that word - privet! ;)
Russian people: We have great intellectual people, for ex. one of the Google founders - Russian. But it's only one example, of course I have more.
I already knew lots about Russia, but an insider's perspective is always welcome :)
So...what is your hometown after all? Or are you hiding? You can always PM me, if it's a secret ;)
Hiding from what? Also it's not a secret. Truth and honor!
I you want to be my guest - welcum, but maybe i don't have a free room... So bad :(
My home village is Krasnoyarsk,
and this is temp in my village :)
Looks like a great city.
You know, your the second person from Asia I talked to, the first was an anoying 16 year old girl from Jidda, Saudi Arabia