Aight so I said above that I have a fear of whales.
To expand, I have a fear of the ocean. We have not fully explored the ocean and we don't know what kind of scary shit might be down there.
To begin, there's a thing called deep sea gigantism. That means that in the deep ocean, creatures tend to be much larger than usual. Scary as ****.
The following information is scientifically accurate, feel free to look it up yourself.
In 1997 the US national Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration detected two sounds which couldn't be identified. "The Bloop" sound was detected several times throughout the year, and "The Slowdown" sound was detected once on May 19th.
They were detected though the Equatorial Pacific Ocean autonomous hydrophone array, which were a series of hydrophones originally designed to detect Soviet submarines.
The slowdown noise was detected at 15 degrees south, 115 degrees west in the Pacific Ocean. The sound itself decreases in frequency over 7 minutes. It has been detected each year since.
The Bloop sound was detected at 50 degrees south, 100 degrees west in the Pacific Ocean. It is an ultra low frequency and extremely powerful sound. It was able to be heard from multiple sensors which were 5000 km apart. It has been ruled out from being man-made such as a bomb or submarine, and has been ruled out from being a geological sound such as an underwater earthquake. Thus it is thought to be a biological sound.
The creature that made this sound must be several times larger than a blue whale to make such a powerful sound.
Some say that the slowdown could be ice rubbing over land from Antarctica, the Bloop is unquestionably a biological sound.
The 1999 another sound was detected in the Pacific Ocean, known as "The Julia". It is a 15 second sound that was sufficiently lout enough to be heard across the entire autonomous hydrophone array. Scientists have no idea what it could be. It was detected near 15 degrees south, 98 degrees west.
All sounds originate from the same ocean. Here is a picture showing their locations. South America is on the right.
The 4th spot (on the bottom left) is where the sunken city of R'lyeh is said to be according to the fictional book "Call of Cthulhu". R'lyeh is also said to hold the cosmic entity Cthulhu.
Now I'm not saying that Cthulhu is making those noises. I don't even believe that such a creature exists haha.. some say that it might be a gargantuan undiscovered aquatic creature, others say that that it might be a large colony of whales. I don't think I want to find out.
My worst fear already happened, several times in this forum. Where no one listens to me, refuses to use the help I try to give, or the LazyTown encodes I helped created and uploaded never existed in the eyes of the LazyTown community. All three happened. Pretty scary, but after it happened, it made me realize I really am insignificant.
To assume it's a giant creature like Cthulhu without ruling out other possibilities is an argument from ignorance where a user basically says, "I don't know what it could be, so it must be [insert anything here]." Applying to The Bloop, you are essentially saying, "I don't know what that sound is, so it must be a giant creature of some kind."
On Thursday, I was in my Forensic Science class when my teacher mentioned that we were going to perform an autopsy on a dead baby pig.
I had signed up for this class after making sure that we weren't going to dissect anything. I asked a lot of people, and they all told me there would be no dead things involved. But there we were...about to dissect a dead baby pig.
It was only the pre-lab discussion, and the teacher was drawing sick, crude diagrams of what we were going to do to the pig. Remembering the last time I had come face-to-face with a dead baby pig (in 7th grade, when the pig was smiling at me), I lost it. I began hyperventilating and sweating, my eyes widened with fear, and I started acting strange and disconnected. The other girls began to notice, and it made them uncomfortable. The teacher saw me freaking out, and I told the teacher I couldn't do it. She told me to go to the Science Department head, who used to be my Environmental Science teacher.
The department head was super nice, as she had always been to me. I was sobbing uncontrollably at that point, but she calmed me down a little and told me everything would be okay and I wouldn't have to perform dissection of any kind. She even said I wouldn't have to do it online or do anything like that.
I went to my Newspaper teacher's room for lunch after that (like I always do), but I couldn't eat. He cheered me up with some jokes and made me feel better.
The next day, I went to the Forensics teacher, who told me the other teacher was downstairs in the computer lab. I went down there, and she told me that I could make a brochure on autopsy consent for families, and when I was finished, I could write an autopsy procedure or do another assignment. So I don't have to touch dead things next week, either.
I'm not sure what it is that makes me so afraid of dissecting things. I'm not sure if it's the fact that they're dead or because I feel bad for them or because I read Charlotte's Web or what...but I just freak out.
I had to dissect a few things mmm... I guess it was 4 years ago now. First a worm, then a frog, then a pig. I got through it, but not as well as I thought I was going to.
I took an anatomy class the next year, but dropped it within 1 week after I found out that the cat dissection was a requirement to pass. That and a big reason I was taking the class was to get into AP Bio the next year, but the teacher I wanted left so... meh.
My biggest fear is to lose control over something, so it's a pretty stressful life.
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
I got an extreme fear of hights...and I hate to talk in front of many is a well known fact that ppl are more afraid of public speaking than of dead...
My greatest fears are several and very common: they alternate according to the gravity of the circumstances, my mood and/or my personal failures.
Randomly, the first of the list is the fear of dying in a violent way just before I can leave my mark on this world. I'm speaking of the summary of my personal and professional achievements infront of "me" of the future: I'm not speaking of feats or showy things to the world: I only want to deal with those things that are important to me, in order to justify my own life in terms of having been useful and necessary for something good.
Then comes the fear of being trapped for lifetime in the midst of a political, economic and social circumstance that crosses my country because of wanting to keep my principles before everything I consider unfair. I know it sounds like a cheap cliche but it is a very tangible reality for me right now, which demands of me to take a clear and definitive position. I just can not escape such a commitment.
Finally, the fear of being overcome by my own weaknesses, bad mood and stupidity: not being as strong as I believe (or feel), affecting not only myself but my closest beings: that would be to glorify the greatest injustice of all. The sad thing is that facing this situation (very common these days for me), there is little that I have been able to do, reiterating in some way how close I am to losing that battle over and over.
In short, I am a disaster zone as far as basic fears are concerned.